Telegram.com recently caught up with actress Helen Slater, who of course played the Kara/Supergirl in the classic Supergirl film of 1984 and is now going to appear in the new Supergirl series as well.
Her character’s identity has not yet been revealed or confirmed, though many have speculated that she will be playing Sylvia Danvers, Earth mother to Kara.
“I’m in the pilot and I have a contract as a guest star, which means they can use me as much as they want,” Slater revealed. “It’s all hush, hush.”
In the Telegram interview, Slater pointed out that it’s not her first time returning to the Superman world – she appeared on Smallville in the past (as you can see in the photo below). “So I have been in the Superman universe, partially. I can’t get out of it,” she says.

Slater praised the show’s Executive Producer Greg Berlanti as well as new Supergirl lead Melissa Benoist – though she admits she still is not sure how to pronounce Benoist’s last name right. (It’s okay – we’re not sure either!)
“Greg Berlanti does The Flash and Arrow. He’s such a smart writer,” Slater said. “It was such a joy to do the pilot. My fingers are crossed that it goes well because they have a great cast. The girl playing Supergirl, Melissa Benoist, is fantastic.”
“When I met her, we did the reading and she was fabulous. She did not need any advice at all,” Slater continued. “She’s sparkling and funny and delightful. She’s going to be awesome.”
All in all, Slater finds it “incredible” that so many superhero projects are hitting the airwaves. “Every network now has superhero shows. Now, CBS will have Supergirl … I guess, people just want that mythic hero thing right now.”
You can read the full Telegram interview here.