We mostly skipped last year because we figured, only eleven months after Smallville ended, to string people along like that might be a little mean.
And now, two years after the end, it’s probably still kind of mean. But hey — it’s either this, or getting a flood of e-mails asking why we didn’t. And, truth be told, April Fool’s was always the most fun to do KryptonSite, where dream scenarios can be shared sometimes the Fools would come true, like these from past years:
2002 – Lana’s Parents Return (happened in “Void”); Chloe Sullivan Is Lois Lane (sort of happened, in “Delete” and “Hex”)
2003 – Ian Somerhalder To Guest Star As Bruce Wayne (he didn’t, but he did play “Adam Knight”); Chloe To Get A Spin-Off (do the Chloe Chronicles count?)
2004 – Who’s Going article with a picture of Pete; Mr. Mxyzptlk Coming To Smallville (happened in “Jinx”); Lexana: It’s Real (see Season 6)
2005 – Gough & Millar Prepare Young Aquaman Pilot (seriously, I didn’t know!); Dean Cain on Smallville (happened in “Cure”)
2006 – Christopher Eccleston To Appear As Zod (so it wasn’t Eccleston, but Zod did show in Season 9); “Bizarro” Is Coming (it happened!); Justin Hartley To Guest In Season 6 As Aquaman (so he showed up as Green Arrow instead)
2007 – Smallville Returns To The WB (TheWB.com now exists – and this article also mentions a Green Arrow TV show… that’ll never happen!) Tom Welling Signs Through Season 9 (if only we knew…); Clark’s Kryptonian Mother Lara To Appear (she did, but with a different actress than we suggested) Season 7 accurate predicted titles included “Bizarro” and “Kara.”
2008 – Rosenbaum Out For Season 8 (why did that one have to be true?); “Legion” listed as a predicted Season 8 episode title
2009 – Annette O’Toole Returning (it happens this year!); The BBC Plans Their Own Version Of Smallville (have you SEEN Merlin?)
2010 – Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders listed as writers for Episode #200. We predicted Wonder Woman would be coming to TV, but were wrong in suggesting it was going to happen on Smallville with Bridget Regan. Our only correct episode title was “Booster.”
2011 – For the last year of Smallville, NONE of our April Fools happened… yet.
So, no, Smallville is not returning to television, although we do get a new Superman movie feature this summer with Man Of Steel. Also, the not as publicized “Tom Welling on Beauty And The Beast” story is not true, either… as far as we know. But what we can promise you is that this is probably going to be the basic design for KryptonSite in the near future, and you got a sneak preview. And… if you believed today’s story… you’ve been fooled yet again. Thanks for “playing!”
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