we've done it again! Everything new that was on the KryptonSite
News Page on April 1st is false.
Eccleston is NOT playing Zod, Brandon Routh won't be on Smallville
and Tom won't be in Superman Returns, and as far as we know,
there won't be an Aquaman cross-over next season. "Bizarro"
is a figment of our imagination, and right now, comics' Lois
Lane really is just Lois Lane. And Annette O'Toole is naturally
beautiful, not a member of some secret society (that we know
of!) BIG thanks to Chiriru for the incredibly awesome Bizarro
and Superman Returns images.
for having some fun with us this year on April Fool's Day.
If you want to read some of our April Fool's gags from previous
years, click these links:

may notice that every year, at least one of them comes true.
What will happen this year? Guess we'll have to watch and
here for today's real headlines