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Recent KryptonSite Interviews

She's The Sheriff: Camille Mitchell
KryptonSite talks to the future of Smallville law enforcement...

Smallville's Prime "Suspect": Mark Verheiden
The fan-favorite writer talks about the January 28 episode...

Smallville's Dr. Bryce: Emmanuelle Vaugier
Lex Luthor's new sparring partner talks about her new recurring role and also about her career.

Jeph Loeb - "Insurgence"
Smallville consulting producer and comic book favorite Jeph Loeb talks about the recent episode...

Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld - "Flight"
The husband and wife duo who wrote "Jitters" talk about their novels for the Smallville young adult series...

Are you involved with Smallville and would like to be interviewed at KryptonSite? We'd love to talk to you. E-mail us!

Upcoming Episode Schedule
Smallville - Tuesdays at 9PM on the WB

April 1 "Suspect"
Who shot Lionel Luthor? Was it Dominic, the lackey? Jonathan Kent? Or was it Colonel Mustard? Click here for an image gallery!

April 8 "Insurgence"
One of the best episodes of Season Two which was unfortunately missed because a lot of people were watching American Idol. Now, you have no excuse!
Click here for an image gallery!

April 15 "Visitor"
Could there be another Kryptonian in Smallville? Come, son of Jor-El, kneel before Cyrus.
Click here for an image gallery!

Spoilers for new episodes can be found by clicking here. Repeats for these episodes air on the following Sunday.



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Smallville and its characters are copyright ©2003 Warner Bros. & DC Comics. This is a fan site and not authorized by the WB or DC. Page copyright ©2003 KryptonSite, unless the material is noted as coming from someplace else or being by an individual author. Smallville stars Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, John Glover, John Schneider, Annette O'Toole, Sam Jones III, and Allison Mack.


Sorry, Bruce Wayne is not appearing in "Exodus"... today is indeed Annette O'Toole's birthday... Pete is a plug-man in dialogue only... and there are no plans for a Chloe spinoff. No Taran Smith or costume yet either (sorry). And you know, we prefer Smallville over 24 here.

Most importantly, there are no plans for this page to become KristinSite (sorry, Kristin). Special thanks goes out to Gossamer for her awesome April Fool's South Park/Smallville banner. Be sure to check out her "Small Park" page!

By the way... there is at least one hidden "Easter egg" accessible from that main April Fool's page.. some more fake April Fool's goodness for you. Have fun, and I hope no one here was mad or confused.

(And hey! If it's Monday night and you said "Wait a second, it's not April Fool's yet," that's because you're on the West Coast or something. We got anxious and posted at midnight ET.)

News Posted April 1, 2003

Happy Birthday, Annette O'Toole!
KryptonSite would like to wish Annette O'Toole a very happy birthday.

Fans are invited to post their birthday wishes for Ms. O'Toole at the KryptonSite message board. We'll do our best to see that she gets them!

"Suspect" Repeat Tonight!
Just a reminder that tonight's 9PM repeat of Smallville on the WB is "Suspect."

News Posted March 31, 2003

Tom Welling To Be On Cover Of Canadian TV Guide
Tom Welling will be hitting the covers of Canadian editions of TV Guide yet again.

Here's a look at the Apr. 5-11 issue, from TV Guide Canada's website. Enjoy!

"Visitor" Official Description!
The WB has released their official description for "Visitor," the new episode of Smallville airing April 15. Click here to read it!

Season 2 Begins April 5 In Australia!
Special thanks to: Stephanie

Australian fans will be happy to know that the wait for new episodes is almost over.

Season 2 begins on Saturday, April 5, at 7:30 PM. Don't miss it!

Over 140 Images Added To Tom Welling Gallery
Several cast members had already had galleries on KryptonSite, but it took a while to organize all of the Tom images. Now, you too can enter the Wall of Welling by browsing the Tom Welling gallery -- part of KryptonSite's Smallville cast pages!

News Posted March 29, 2003

"Witness" Images!
Following the release of three images from "Visitor" released yesterday, KryptonSite is now happy to present to you six photos from the April 29 episode of Smallville, which is titled "Witness."

The images confirm the guest starring appearance of Zachery Ty Bryan (Home Improvement) in the episode, and they also feature that partnership that was hinted at earlier this week on the spoilers page. Check out the image gallery!

News Posted March 28, 2003

"Visitor" Images!
Three non-spoilery images have been released from the next new episode of Smallville, which is titled "Visitor."

"Visitor" airs April 15. Check out the image gallery!

News Posted March 27, 2003

Allison Mack Is Engaged!
Special thanks to: SullivanLane

The April 2003 issue of SFX magazine features a profile of Allison Mack (Chloe). It also reveals that Allison is now engaged to her long-time boyfriend, Peter! The article tells what Allison thought of kissing Tom in "Rush," and reveals more about what Chloe thinks of Lex Luthor, and she says that Pete would be "too small town" for Chloe.

We here at KryptonSite would very much like to congratulate Allison and Peter on their engagement. Look for the latest SFX at newsstands everywhere.

News Posted March 26, 2003

Season Finale Spoilers!
Some details about the second season finale of Smallville, titled "Exodus," are finally here!

Check out the Spoilers page for the scoop!

An Unlikely Alliance...
BlackVoices.com's interview with Sam Jones III also revealed something interesting about which character may be having some interaction with Lionel Luthor soon... (and no, it's not Pete...)

Check out the Spoilers page for more! Look for the yellow text under "More Spoilers."

News Posted March 25, 2003

Smallville Officially Picked Up For Season 3
Special thanks to: Variety

Today's edition of Variety reveals that Smallville has officially been picked up for a third season.

Charmed, 7th Heaven, Reba, Gilmore Girls, and Everwood were also picked up for the 2003-2004 season. (Hey! Where's Angel?!) However you boil it, this is good news for Smallville.

Thanks to the several people who e-mailed us with the news!

News Posted March 24, 2003

The Future Of Smallville Law Enforcement
Special thanks to: Matt, Eric, & Camille Mitchell

There's a new sheriff coming to town, and she will be played by an actress named Camille Mitchell. For more on Ms. Mitchell, and her character, look no further than KryptonSite's Camille Mitchell interview! Be warned, some minor spoilers may be within.

UPDATED With Photos: Superman: Man Of Style
Special thanks to: Matt, Janelle & Lola

Several folks have e-mailed us to say that Tom Welling is featured in the April 2003 In Style magazine as the "Man of Style" for the month. Thanks to Matt, we now have some scans! Click to check them out!

News Posted March 5, 2003

New Merchandise On The Horizon!
Some new books and calendars will soon be on the way for Smallville fans. Here's a sampler of some of those things:

March release:
"Whodunnit" by Dean Wesley Smith (Smallville Series #4)
No details available

April release:
"Speed" by Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld (Smallville Young Adults Series #5)
Clark Kent tries to solve a slew of racially motivated attacks and confront the culprit in "frozen time."

June release:
"Buried Secrets" by Suzy Colon (Smallville Young Adults Series #6)

Clark and Lex Luthor's shared romantic interest uncovers information about Clark that no one else knows. But Lex will stop at nothing to uncover the truth. No, we didn't make up this one --
the description really says "Clark and Lex Luthor's shared romantic interest."

Smalltown, Strange World: An Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Smallville
By Mark Clapham. This "unoffical guide" is said to have details on the first two seasons. However, we don't know anything about it at all. But hey, it's going to be out there...

July release:
Smallville 2004 Wall Calendar
Hopefully this year's edition won't quickly go out of stock, and hopefully they'll remember this time around that the show has more characters than just Clark, Lex, and Lana. This is due out in July.

Possible European Smallville DVD News!
Special thanks to: Mike

While the UK version of Amazon.com has not yet listed it, we are told that the European supplement for Diamond's PREVIEWS magazine lists that the first half of Smallville Season 1 will be available on DVD on May 19, 2003... but only in Europe.

As many of you may know, European "Region 2" DVDs are NOT playable here in the U.S. (unless, of course, you have a multi-regional player...)

We're keeping this one at the rumor state right now until it's formally listed on Amazon UK. However, this news sounds very promising.

News Posted March 4, 2003

Schedule Update!
The next new episode of Smallville, titled "Visitor," will be airing on April 15 as the first of six new episodes in a row, leading to the Season 2 finale on May 20.

For more details, again, we refer you to the spoilers page!

News Posted March 3, 2003

Emmanuelle Vaugier in MAXIM
Emmanuelle Vaugier (Dr. Bryce) was featured in the latest issue of MAXIM magazine. We put out a request for a scan and received *dozens* of responses! (Thanks again folks!) So, if you want to see the picture, click here, but be warned, the photo is rated PG-13 and not suitable for all audiences.

Click here for more old headlines!
Send all news items, comments, etc. to PlanetKrypton@aol.com!