APRIL FOOL’S! (Again!)

The KryptonSite tradition (Since 2002!) continues!

On April 1, we usually random stuff up on April Fool’s Day, usually tricking people, sometimes making them mad…. we even were able to fool some cast members with our gags. (Sorry, Cassidy and Laura.) Even with Smallville five-plus years in the rearview mirror, we’re not giving up on the Fools just yet.

So, no. Chloe Sullivan ISN’T going to be on Legends of Tomorrow (that we’re aware of)… don’t kill us. And if it is Chloe showing up on Legends, hey, we called it! And, no, HBO is not doing a Lois Lane series set in the DCEU though such a thing would be pretty awesome. (Watchmen is or at least was a real thing in development.) And Michael Rosenbaum doing a Smallville movie? You can blame Michael for that one.

aprilfoolssouthparkaprilfoolssouthparkIt’s our favorite time of year around here, and we only do this one day a year, so don’t get too mad.

Inevitably, we’ll get comments and e-mails about how unprofessional it is and how “no one will take you seriously,” but we’ve been doing this for 15+ years with no blowback. and, like we said, sometimes they work out. Beyond that time we said Heroes was coming back (and it did), look at these other times we got it right:

2002 – Lana’s Parents Return (happened in the Smallville episode “Void”); Chloe Sullivan Is Lois Lane (sort of happened, in “Delete” and “Hex”)
2003 – Ian Somerhalder To Guest Star As Bruce Wayne (he didn’t, but he did play “Adam Knight”); Chloe To Get A Spin-Off (do the Chloe Chronicles count?)
2004 – Who’s Going article with a picture of Pete; Mr. Mxyzptlk Coming To Smallville (happened in “Jinx”); Lexana: It’s Real (see Season 6)
2005 – Gough & Millar Prepare Young Aquaman Pilot (seriously, I didn’t know!); Dean Cain on Smallville (happened in “Cure”)
2006 – Christopher Eccleston To Appear As Zod (so it wasn’t Eccleston, but Zod did show in Season 9); “Bizarro” Is Coming (it happened!); Justin Hartley To Guest In Season 6 As Aquaman (so he showed up as Green Arrow instead)
2007Smallville Returns To The WB (TheWB.com now exists – and this article also mentions a Green Arrow TV show… that’ll never happen!) Tom Welling Signs Through Season 9 (if only we knew…); Clark’s Kryptonian Mother Lara To Appear (she did, but with a different actress than we suggested) Season 7 accurate predicted titles included “Bizarro” and “Kara.”
2008 – Rosenbaum Out For Season 8 (why did that one have to be true?); “Legion” listed as a predicted Season 8 episode title
2009 – Annette O’Toole Returning (it happens this year!); The BBC Plans Their Own Version Of Smallville (have you SEEN Merlin?)
2010 – Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders listed as writers for Episode #200. We predicted Wonder Woman would be coming to TV, but were wrong in suggesting it was going to happen on Smallville with Bridget Regan. Our only correct episode title was “Booster.”
2011 – We posted a rumor of a live-action Young Justice series, and sure enough, Titans was in development at TNT but didn’t end up happening. Oliver Queen and Dinah [Laurel] Lance have found some on-and-off love over on Arrow.
2013 – Even though the KryptonSite April Fool went viral, Smallville didn’t return in 2014, though David S. Goyer was executive producer of another DC Comics adaptation, Constantine, that year, and it’s rumored that he is doing a Krypton prequel series.
2014Smallville isn’t on Blu-ray yet, and we didn’t get Lois & Clark ’93, but we do have a Wonder Woman ’77 comic, and someone even pitched Batman ’89 to DC.
2015 – What, Tom Welling didn’t appear on the Supergirl pilot? Oops. But maybe he will show up on the series someday.
2016 – Supergirl hasn’t gone to Earth-Smallville yet, and Zack Snyder isn’t making a Supergirl film yet… but Joss Whedon is doing Batgirl; does that count for anything?

So, who knows? Maybe we’ll see Chloe Sullivan showing up in live action again somewhere. Maybe we will get a Lois Lane show someday. A Smallville movie will probably never happen, though, at least not with the same actors. Either way… thanks for coming back to the site, and remember Supergirl really is on the way, with more details coming soon here at KryptonSite!

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