Warning: Tonight’s Supergirl episode “The Last Children of Krypton” is being discussed within.
Cat Grant and Kara Danvers have said their goodbyes, for now, and a lingering question among Supergirl fans is surely this: Was there a temptation for Cat and Kat to finally talk about a certain Super-secret?
“I’m always tempted to have that,” Executive Prouducer Andrew Kreisberg said at last week’s press Q&A. “Calista [Flockhart] and I have discussed it. There’s a moment where she goes ‘I see the hero in you.’ She kind of looks at the sky and it’s like, ‘does she know?’ I like that there’s this feeling out there that maybe she does know and maybe she’s just going along with it, because that’s part of the ruse, that she understands that. We actually had an early joke in these scripts where she goes ‘You know I know Clark Kent’s Superman? Like I would ever not be able to tell someone’s a superhero right in front of me,’ and not realizing about Kara, but we thought it was a little too crazy and meta. We like that she just loves Clark Kent more than anything,” he explained.

Might we get a reveal when Cat comes back to the show? “I don’t know. We’ll see. It’s always the storytelling,” Andrew answered. “Like I said, I love how Calista plays it, where you’re never quite sure… she plays it so that if you decided to have her at the end of any episode go ‘I’ve known you were Supergirl the whole time,’ you could look back at those little moments and go, ‘oh, you know what? The way she looked at her there or the way she said that… I bet she did know all the time.’ Because that would be very Cat.”
“I think Cat really does believe in heroes, and I could see a version of it where she really does believe that it’s important for Kara to have the relationship that she has with Cat, without Cat knowing that she’s Supergirl, that that is part of Kara’s hero journey and Cat would respect that,” Kreisberg continued. But then, you could also look at it is as Cat is just moving at a million miles an hour and doesn’t really see people, and she really is oblivious to it.”
For now, though, we’ll have to wait for Calista Flockhart’s return to Supergirl to see what Cat does next. Thus far, she hasn’t shot any episodes beyond Episode 2 of Season 2. “We’re still trying to work out her schedule. Hopefully as many as we can get. We love working with Calista, and Calista loves the show, which is why she came back to do [the first two episodes],” Andrew said.
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I'm fully convinced she's known at least since Red Kryptonite
There was an episode on Season 1, when Cat thought Kara was Supergirl & confronted her!
But then Hank, Jon Jonz the shift-shaper became Supergirl & so both Kara & Supergirl were present for Cat! Thus Cat ended up saying she was wrong about it!
What about the episode where Martian Manhunter transformed into Supergirl and flew to the office while Kara was talking with Cat. Doesn't she remember that?