IGN’s Joshua Yehl recently caught up with DC Entertainment’s Geoff Johns, where he said some very positive things about Supergirl, while at the same time addressing some of the negative online criticism that compared the six-minute promo reel to the Saturday Night Live Black Widow movie parody.

“Everyone deserves to have a reaction, but at the end of the day, I believe in the pilot, I believe in the show. When people see the pilot, they’re going to be blown away,” Johns told IGN, pointing out that the initial reaction to Grant Gustin’s casting as The Flash wasn’t necessarily the reaction people had to the final product.

“When they first saw his suit, when we cast Grant, people were like, ‘That’s not the Flash!’ and now people are like, ‘Oh my god, he is the Flash!’ I’m so proud of that show and — in so many ways the Flash was my favorite character growing up — to see it realized and to see people embracing it. And it truly is a Flash TV show, we’re not shying away from anything. We jokingly said, yeah we’re doing Gorilla Grodd and I think people were like, ‘Okay…’ Yeah, no, we’re doing Gorilla Grodd! And we’ve got a lot of great plans for Supergirl in the same vein as that,” he promised.
“I think the greatest thing about the Supergirl show we’re working on and the thing I’m most proud of is it embodies the character and the Superman mythology in a really strong, accessible way that I think carries at least the tone and spirit with what we’ve done with The Flash. And Melissa Benoist is an amazing Supergirl and Kara Danvers. I’m just excited for people to see it. I’m just really excited that we have a female superhero that’s so iconic and strong. We’re so overdue for a female-centric superhero show that’s really good. We’re going to try to execute to the best of our ability and we’ve got great people we’re working with and I’m really excited about it. It’s really important; it’s an important show for us,” he enthused.
You can read IGN’s full interview with Mr. Johns, including some more quotes, here.