Episode #1.19: "Crush"
Writers: Philip Levens, Alfred Gough, Miles Millar
Director: James Marshall
Air Date: May 7, 2002
Guest Cast

Adam Brody (Justin Gaines), John Glover (Lionel Luthor), Hiro Kanagawa (Principal Kwan), Donna Bullock (Pamela Jenkins), James Purcell (Dr. Wells), Kevan Ohtsji (Danny Kwan), Anaya Farrell (Renee), Catherine Barroll (Mrs. Fordman), Serge Houde (Pastor)


Justin Gaines, a student at Smallville High, returns to school after spending months in treatment recovering from a hit-and-run accident. Before the accident, Justin was a cartoonist for the Smallville Torch, but injuries to his hands have prevented him from drawing since. After the accident, while still mostly immobile due to injuries, Justin discovered that he could move things with his mind. Justin didn’t believe that his doctor did all that he could to help him, so before leaving Metropolis Children’s Hospital, Justin used his telekinetic abilities to seriously injure his doctor.

Before Justin’s arrival, Chloe argues with Clark about feeling ignored. Pete lets Clark know that Chloe likes him and is planning to ask him to Spring Formal. Chloe, still angry with Clark, strikes up a relationship with Justin, whom she had been e-mailing while he was away. Justin told Chloe that he had always had a crush on her. During a kiss in which nearby objects start floating, Justin is forced to tell Chloe about his gifts. Chloe accepts them and assures Justin that he would never end up on her “Wall of Weird.” Seeing Chloe and Justin together makes Clark realize that he may have feelings for Chloe. He shares his new feelings with Lana. Clark tells Chloe that he distrusts Justin, but she ignores his warnings.

Justin mistakenly traces the license plate of the vehicle involved in his accident back to Principal Kwan. Wanting revenge and “justice” for the accident, he uses his gifts to kill the principal. Clark investigates the crime and discovers that Principal Kwan’s son was actually driving the car that hit Justin, not his father. Clark convinces Kwan’s son to turn himself in.

After seeing Justin’s drawings depicting his crimes, Chloe realizes how dangerous he is and races off to tell Clark. Chloe calls Clark from his barn, asking his whereabouts, but Justin enters the barn and breaks Chloe’s cell phone. He uses his gifts to knock Chloe out and attempts to kill her with a chainsaw. After racing back to the barn, Clark enters in time to deflect the chainsaw and save Chloe. After Clark defeats him, Justin is sent off to Metropolis for psychological help. Clark and Chloe make a date to attend a journalism conference together.

Meanwhile, on the anniversary of his mother’s death, Lex encounters Pamela Jenkins, the woman who took care of him while his mother was ill. She wants to talk, but Lex feels there is nothing left to say between them. At a later meeting, Pamela tells Lex that his father sent her away after his mother’s death and threatened to disinherit Lex if she contacted him. She asks for Lex’s forgiveness for leaving him as a child, but he doesn’t give it to her. Lex’s father tells Lex that Pamela is dying of cancer. Lex goes to visit her in the hospital and they share a moment where he seems to forgive her.

Throughout the episode Whitney’s father is mentioned as getting better. Lana mentions that since his father’s recuperation, Whitney has been paying more attention to her. At the end of the episode Whitney’s father passes away and everyone attends his funeral.

Notable Quotes
  • Chloe: “Whenever Lex and Lana are around, it’s like the rest of us don’t exist.”
  • Chloe: “You know, most men are from Mars, but you’re from some distant galaxy that I’ve never even heard of.”
  • Pete: “Clark, maybe if you took off your Lana-blinders, you’d realize that Chloe likes you.”
  • Clark: “It’s like you find out this secret and it colors everything.”
  • Lana: “Sometimes the right person can be right in front of your eyes and you never even know it.”
  • Lex: “For argument’s sake, lets call them Lana and Chloe.”
  • Clark: "I’m not jealous. I’m concerned. Pete: Why? Because Chloe’s falling for a nice guy? It’s got me worried too."
Superman References
  • Danny Kwan (to Clark): “I see you in a uniform, flying.”
Platitude Count
  • Dr. Wells: “As one door closes, another one opens.”
  • Justin: “…out of sight, out of mind.”
  • (Hey, Jonathan Kent wasn't in this one! Not much room for platitudes here!)
Continuity & Goofs
  • This episode marks the final appearance of Principal Kwan in Smallville.
  • Pete makes a reference to working for Mayor Siegel in this episode. What about Mayor Tate, referenced in "Ryan?" Oops...
  • When Whitney's mother returns in the episode "Visage," she is played by actress _____________.
  • Although Principal Kwan is referred to as "H. Kwan" on his driving record, the Smallville Torch lists him as James Kwan. We'll go with the "Robert Bruce Banner" theory and speculate his name as H. James Kwan.
  • Justin Gaines is referred to in the one-shot Smallville: The Comic.
  • Chloe has bad luck with the opposite sex next in the episode "Dichotic." (unless, of course, you count Clark being a doofyhead in "Vortex.")
  • John Schneider has no lines in this episode; however, he does appear in the funeral scene at episode's end.
  • Clark says that Chloe got a fax at 4:43 pm, but just after the fax comes in a school bells rings and kids flood the hallway. That’s a pretty late school day!
  • Whitney gets tickets to “Our Town” just because Lana was reading it at school? It could have been a class assignment that Lana was bored to death reading.
  • Justin told Chloe that he could no longer do his cartoon for the paper, but then he shows up with a beautiful picture of her and she doesn’t question it? “It took me all night” doesn’t explain anything.
  • Chloe mentions that the police report said that Kwan’s car was on. Later, Kwan’s son says that his father had the keys with him. Wouldn’t the police find this terribly interesting and include it in their report? If so, why didn’t Chloe, the research queen, pick up on that?
  • Clark asks Justin how many innocent people he’s willing to kill and Justin replies “just one more” and then throws Clark into the hayloft. So does that “one more” mean Clark? If so, is he not planning to kill Chloe anymore? Or if he thinks she is already dead, why the chainsaw bit?
Character Revelations
  • Pete: His mother is a judge; he will be working with Mayor Siegel during the summer.
  • Lex: His mother, Lillian Luthor, was born in 1951 and died in 1993. Lex hadn’t seen Pam, the woman who cared for him during his mother’s illness, in nine years, since his mother died. Lex’s mother left some of her LuthorCorp stock to Pamela.
  • Clark: He realizes Chloe likes him and thinks he also has feelings for her.
  • Lana: She thinks Whitney is suddenly paying more attention to her; she wants to redefine their relationship. She was reading “Our Town” at school.
  • Whitney: He buys tickets to see “Our Town” for Lana. His father dies.
Superpowers Guide
  • Superspeed: Clark uses his superspeed to get from the Talon where Chloe called to say she was in danger to the barn in time to save her from being killed. After Clark throws him into the loft, Clark manages to appear behind him using his speed.
  • Invincibility: To protect Chloe, Clark steps in front of the chainsaw that Justin had flying towards her. He is unhurt and the chainsaw breaks into fragments.
  • Superstrength: Clark tosses Justin into a wall
Clark's List of Excuses
  • None!
  • Lex leaves white flowers at his mother’s tomb.
  • An edition of the Torch shows one of Justin’s cartoons, “Flaming Crow’s Feet.”
  • A newspaper headline from the Metropolis Inquisitor reads “Going Down! Doctor Loses Hands in Freak Accident.”
  • Justin draws a pencil drawing of Chloe and then a colored finished drawing of Chloe
  • The book of poetry read from by Lionel and quoted by Lex (and handled by Pamela) is by Walt Whitman.
  • Lana orders organic apple pies from Martha Kent via Clark
  • Random office supplies (pencil, stapler, coffee mug, and green alien figure) all float while Justin and Chloe kiss.
  • Fax machine and paper with small typing and “Got a match” in large, underlined handwriting
  • Principal Kwan’s car had the Kansas license plate DDI 035
  • Principal Kwan was pinned to the garage door with a lawn light with a sharpened end.
  • Clark was reading a copy of “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.”
  • Chloe was hit with a horseshoe, rendering her unconscious.
  • Justin tried to kill Chloe with a chainsaw.
Fashion Police
  • Chloe wears a funky green patterned shirt in her smoochy scene with Justin.
Photo Gallery
Professional Commentary

"There must be a universal law that I have to die a horrible death on every show that I'm on. I accept this as my life. Anyway, it could have been a lot worse--I'm happy to have survived the killer bee episode!" - Hiro Kanagawa, on the death of Principal Kwan

Smallville: The Soundtrack
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Smallville Young Adult Novel #3: "Flight"
Written by Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld of "Jitters" fame!
Read KryptonSite's interview with authors Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld here.

Superman For All Seasons
Smallville explores the story of a young Clark Kent and his place in the world on television. In the comics, this was very well illustrated in Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale's "Superman For All Seasons." This has been labeled a "must read" by many fans and also listed as the favorite Superman story of recent years by many. Check it out!

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Smallville and its characters are copyright ©2003 Warner Bros. & DC Comics. This is a fan site and not authorized by the WB or DC. Page copyright ©2003 KryptonSite, unless the material is noted as coming from someplace else or being by an individual author. Smallville stars Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, John Glover, John Schneider, Annette O'Toole, Sam Jones III, and Allison Mack.


