With former Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman actor Dean Cain already on the Supergirl chess board and his “Lois Lane” Teri Hatcher coming onto the show soon, could the CW Supergirl series be plotting a reunion of the two Lois & Clark co-start?

“We’d love to. They would love to,” Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg said this morning at a CW Q&A. “I mean, there’s always a plan, if we can execute the plan. But yeah. We’ve known Dean for a long time now, and we’re just getting to know Teri, but in the best examples of the legacy casting that we do, whether it’s John Wesley Shipp [on The Flash] or Helen Slater, or Lynda Carter [on Supergirl]… all of them are so proud of the contribution that they made in the past, and they are so proud and happy to be part of our [shows] moving forward.”
“Teri — again, we didn’t know Teri before this casting process, and she’s turned out to be the exact same way. She is in this for the fans and knows what her being a part of this means to so many people. They’re both really excited to give back,” Andrew continued.
“I think the most amazing thing in watching the dailies of her, is that she is so not playing Lois, and she is so not playing any character I’ve ever seen her play before. She’s so not Susan from Desperate Housewives. She’s really playing something completely different that was in her repertoire of all of the things that she’s ever done, and she’s doing it amazingly. It’s really exciting for us, because usually with some of these things, it’s like “oh, it’s just a carbon copy or they’re just repeating themselves,’ [but she’s not.]” Andrew enthused.
Chyler Leigh also had positive things to say about working with Teri Hatcher. “She can say one word but then the way she says it, you’re like ‘ooh! I don’t want to cross her!’ She’s got a lot of power in that teeny, tiny little frame of hers!”
You will see Teri for the first time in the 15th episode of Supergirl Season 2.