Three Centurions. The Woman Behind It All. Max, the Dog. And a Monkey. What more could a show ask for? Anyhow, these are only but a few of the characters you would find every afternoon on... The Centurions!

ACE MCCLOUD - Ace was the ladies' man of the team. He'd always be trying to find a woman to hit on -- usually Crystal. He was kind of like Brock from Pokemon. It was a guess that if the person they were helping had boobs that Ace would be first in line to help out.

Ace used all aerial weapons systems, including one for outer space travel. Ace was also secure enough in his sexuality that he could walk around wearing a scarf without anyone thinking he was kind of "funny."

JAKE ROCKWELL - Jake was the guy with all the ground weapons, and the gruffest, mostly manly-man member of the team. He had a dog named Shadow that hung around the Centurions, though I don't think they ever made a Shadow toy.

Jake was the first Centurions toy I ever bought. I still think he had the coolest looking helmet, although in retrospect stuff like Wild Weasel (Wasn't that the little motorcycle thingy?) were kind of awkward.

Oh yeah, and Shadow was cool. Better than Junkyard from G.I. Joe even.

MAX RAY - Max was the smart guy, the Reed Richards of the three. Max took care of the undersea stuff and generally had the best accessories.

Thinking back about it, you have to feel sorry for Max. Between Ace's cockiness and Jake's go-getting attitude, Max was the only normal one of the three. He'd probably be the most likely to get with Crystal, too... no matter how hard Ace would try.

CRYSTAL KANE - Crystal was the tactician of the team, who'd hang out in the space station Skybolt. (Interestingly something that looked just like Skybolt reappeared later in Capcom's STRIDER video game for Nintendo). How she got the job I don't know. Was there ever a Centurions origin episode? If anyone knows, I'd love to hear from you. Crystal also spent a lot of time with her monkey, named Lucy.



REX CHARGER and JOHN THUNDER were also Centurionsm who came around later in the series' run. Here's a picture of them to the right.


DOC TERROR - Doc Terror was a cyborg villain who wanted all the usual villain stuff -- take over the world, stop the Centurions, yadda yadda yadda. He created Drones to help him with this mission.



HACKER - You've gotta wonder about 1980's cartoon villains, and who they pick as their sidekicks. In shorter terms, Hacker was kind of an idiot. But just like Miles Mayhem kept Cliff Dagger around, so too did Doc Terror keep Hacker. Me, I would've spent my money on more drones. But I guess you have to have SOMEBODY to talk to.


Doc Terror also had a daughter who appeared a few times. I can't even remember if she was good or bad. Does anyone know? E-mail me if you do.

The Centurions are copyright (C) 2001 their respective owners

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