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Old Headlines
Planet Krypton and KryptonSite have been following the development of Smallville since the original announcements of a "teenage Clark Kent project" in September 2000. KryptonSite was the first-ever site devoted to Smallville, and with constant updates, it just hasn't been possible to keep everything on the main page.

Here are some of the headlines from September 26-30, 2001....

Positive Review for Tom Welling
(9/30) Chuck Barney of the Knight-Ridder News Service recently did an article on the new series and stars of the fall season, and he had very positive things to say for Smallville's Tom Welling:

"You don't tug on Superman's cape and you don't find better choices than this dark-haired hunk to play a teen-age Clark Kent struggling to come to terms with his destiny."

You can read Barney's complete article by clicking here. Thanks to EmotionalHermit for the lead.

Entertainment Weekly's "Photo Issue" Features Tom Welling
(9/29) The latest double-issue of Entertainment Weekly is this year's "Photo Issue," and it features Eric McCormack and Debra Messing of Will & Grace on the cover. On the inside you can find many photos of popular celebrities, including a photo of Tom Welling (Smallville's future Clark Kent) in the ocean. Blink and you'll miss it, though -- Tom only appears on one page.

City of Merritt Site Has Behind-The-Scenes Smallville Photos
(9/29) This may be a delayed-reaction thing, as it looks like this site has been up for a while... but the official website of the city of Merritt, BC (where many Smallville scenes were filmed) has some behind the scenes photos up from the pilot! To check out the city's small but great Smallville gallery, visit

New Tollin-Robbins Series: The Nightmare Room
(9/28) The production company behind Smallville premiered a new series on the Kids' WB! Saturday morning.

The Nightmare Room is an anthology series -- kind of a Twilight Zone for the younger audience -- based on the popular series of novels by R.L. Stine. One upcoming episode even guest stars Sam Jones III and Allison Mack -- who will soon be known as Smallville's dynamic duo of Pete and Chloe.

The Nightmare Room will air every Saturday morning at 11AM (ET) on the Kids WB!, immediately following X-Men: Evolution.

A New Photo Of Kristin Kreuk as Lana!
(9/28) KryptonSite has just received a new photo of Kristin Kreuk as Lana Lang from Smallville, in a scene from the show's pilot (airing on October 16 on the WB, right after Gilmore Girls!)

You can click on the photo to your left for a better view or to download it.

Smallville Movie Trailer Spotted Again...
(9/28) Ed has written in to tell us the three-minute-long movie trailer for Smallville was seen before a showing of "Captain Corelli's Mandolin" this week.

If you happen to see Smallville previews in theaters, let us know!

Smallville In Canada: Update?
(9/28) To hopefully answer the continuing question of "Where can Canadian fans see Smallville," the excellent Comics2Film web site has learned this, which was posted on their website yesterday:

"Comics2Film received a few e-mails from Canadian TV viewers in response to yesterday's Smallville article. Apparently the release schedule for the show in that country is looking quite a bit better than what we had reported.

"Cory tells us that the A-Channel is available in Mantioba, as well Alberta. He also says that the A-Channel has the show's premiere date scheduled before the U.S. premiere on the WB network.

"Another reader, Keith, confirms the above. He also adds the following, "GlobalTV is not 'the national broadcaster' in Canada, it is one of several broadcasters and only the 3rd largest. Several local channels will be carrying Smallville, on schedule. Furthermore, most cable markets in Canada now include WB anyway so it really isn't an issue." So, it appears our neighbors to the North will be seeing Smallville at the same time as U.S. viewers, if not sooner."

You can find Comics2Film at Be sure to tell let the webmaster know his site is great and that Craig from KryptonSite sent ya!

Littlejoe had this to share, also encouraging news for Canadian fans:

"If you have digital cable it will play on the KTLA Superstation. I know it must play somewhere because it is listed in the Canada TV Guide, TVWeek and Vancouver Sun. To review a show without playing it in Canada would be nasty. The Canada TV Guide states that it WILL play on Global; however, there is nothing on their website to suggest this. There has recently been a huge station shuffle in Canada, so my guess is it is somewhere, and since I am Canadian I'll find out where and let you know."

Thanks to Littlejoe for passing that along, and check out her new Smallville fan site while you're at it!

At Last! A Complete Smallville Cast Photo
(9/26) The WB has finally released a complete cast photo featuring every recurring member of the Smallville cast.

From left to right, here they are: Annette O'Toole as Martha Kent, John Schneider as Jonathan Kent, Tom Welling as Clark Kent, Kristin Kreuk as Lana Lang, Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luthor, Eric Johnson as Whitney Fordman, Allison Mack as Chloe Sullivan, and Sam Jones III as Pete Ross.

You can click on the image for a better view. Image courtesy of the Superman Homepage.

Truth, Justice, and the American Way?
(9/28) The New York Times recently did an article about the network's alterations for their fall seasons after the tragedy of September 11th. Smallville came up in the article, where Bob Bibb, co-president for marketing, advertising and promotion at the WB, talked about one aspect of the show that may have to be reconsidered:

"Testing told us we had to lose the altruistic, Americana aspects of Superman, to make the kid seem interesting" to younger viewers, Mr. Bibb said. "But in the last two weeks, we've seen people very accepting of that, so maybe that should be altered."

You can read the entire Times article by clicking here. Thanks to EmotionalHermit for the lead.

"Oh, No! Superman has a pimple!"
(9/26) Steve Johnson of the Chicago Tribune did a feature for the September 25th edition about all of the new programs on Tuesday nights for American TV viewers to choose from. Included in his article of course was a brief but positive blurb about Smallville. One question, however, was posed by Johnson: "Will WB stand by the opening scene, in which fiery death from above rains down on ordinary Americans? It probably cost a lot of money to film but could be done less graphically." We'll find out on October 16th... but until then, if you want to read Johnson's article you can find it by clicking here.

Tom Welling Interviewed In Syndicated Column
(9/26) Ian Spelling's "Inside Trek and Sci-Fi Column," which is syndicated in several newspapers, recently did an interview with Tom Welling that featured some of Tom's insights on playing Clark Kent and about the show in general.

About the character of Clark and what makes him so unique, Tom said "Clark can do all these great things, but he can't tell anyone or show anyone. That creates a barrier of loneliness for Clark, because he could be the coolest guy in school, he could be the best football player, but he can't go ahead and show anyone what he can really do."

Of the Smallville experience so far, Tom said "I'm loving this... I like it up here, and I'm having a great time. So I'm looking forward to a few years of Smallville."

You can read the entire column online by clicking here.

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Song Yet To Be Sung
Curious about what that song is that is played in the background of the promos for Samallville? Wonder no more! It's "Song Yet To Be Sung" by Perry Farrell, and you can order yourself a copy and help support KryptonSite!


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