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Smallville Connections In Man Of Steel (Spoilers)

Are you a Smallville fan who saw some familiar faces in Man Of Steel? You didn’t imagine things…



If you’re like us, you probably went to a late showing of Man Of Steel at midnight last night, and the whole movie is probably settling in. Being that this is KryptonSite, of course, you were probably excited by some appearances and connections to Smallville characters and actors within!

“What?” you ask. “I didn’t see any!”

There probably were more than you realized. Here are a few (warning: spoilers):

– The biggest and most obvious, of course, is that Amy Adams plays Lois Lane. She appeared in the first season episode “Craving” as a girl who could lose weight with Kryptonite diet shakes that make her a bit violent and very, very hungry. Definitely an upgrade of a role for her, no?

– Not more than a minute after we hear the words “This is Dr. Emil Hamilton,” we see Dr. Emil Hamilton… no, not just Richard Schiff, who plays the role in the movie, but also Alessandro Juliani, who played Dr. Emil in several episodes of Smallville. For me, this was the most amusing connection. Why yes, yes it was Dr. Emil Hamilton!

– That guy that Lois gives information to who has the blog, “Glen Woodburn,” is played by Chad Krowchuck. Not only did he date Allison Mack in real life for several years; he was also in the Season 3 episode “Forever” as “Wendell.”

– Characters like Pete Ross and Lana Lang are seen and/or referenced. Thanks to an IMDb listing (we warned you about those), it was thought for all this time that “Whitney Fordman” would be in the movie also, but no: the character in the film, according to the credits, is “Whitney Fordham.” At one point they even make reference to “the Fordham boy.”

Mackenzie Gray plays Jax-Ur, but on Smallville, he played a Lex Luthor clone, in the Season 10 premiere “Lazarus.”

– There is no Chloe Sullivan in the Man Of Steel world, but Smallville has a “Sullivan’s Truck And Tractor Repair” in the movie.

– Blink and you’d probably miss Tahmoh Penikett, who played two different characters on Smallville. Way back in Season 3 he was living dead kid “Vince Davis” in “Resurrection,” and then he played super-soldier Wes Keenan in a recurring part in Season 6. Penikett has made a habit of appearing in DC adaptations, having also appeared in Human Target and Arrow.

Ian Tracey played bad guy Lincoln Cole in the Season 5 Smallville episode “Mercy.” Here, he is “Ludlow.” (We don’t remember who Ludlow was, either.)

– “Lexcorp” logos are seen in more than one place in Metropolis.

– Smallville has an “Ezra’s Mail Depot.” A reference to Ezra Small?

– The first time we hear the name “Superman” in the movie, does the guy saying it look familiar? He should. He’s played by David Paetkau, who played an abused football player in Season 1’s “Hothead” and then came back years later to play Dan Turpin in “Bulletproof.”

Surely there might be more, so if you find any, leave them in the comments section below. And if you’ve seen Man Of Steel and want to come talk about it with other fans, come by our MOS forum!



  1. Eddie

    June 14, 2013 at 9:28 am

    Hey caught all of the Smallville connections and was just amused by all that was in there.

  2. Blake

    June 14, 2013 at 9:37 am

    DR. HAMILTON…. in smallville… he played the guy that was observing the radar beacons on the ship they found in the ice!!!!!!

  3. Blake

    June 14, 2013 at 9:38 am

    NEVER MIND -.- i overlooked that one because there wasnt a photo lol ADD MORE PHOTOS just to help make the connection for people thank you !!!! … again sorry about that :/

    • Craig Byrne

      June 14, 2013 at 8:14 pm

      It’s hard to add photos right now since the movie just came out… so there are no still shots of, say, Dr. Emil in Man Of Steel. I figured people would remember what he looks like.

  4. Kal

    June 14, 2013 at 9:48 am

    I swear that one of the military techs was none other than the guy who played Emil Hamilton in the last couple seasons of Smallville. Anyone else catch that, or was I imagining things?

  5. Farhan

    June 14, 2013 at 11:12 am

    Tahmoh Penikett who played Wes Keenan in Season 6 episode 21 he was the Jed Eubanks in Man of Steel. So thats 5 people!

  6. Starsaber

    June 14, 2013 at 8:02 pm

    Ludlow was the semi driver that Clark confronted at the diner. I recognized him from his role in Sanctuary, but I shouldn’t be surprised he was in Smallville too.

  7. Jorell

    June 14, 2013 at 10:26 pm

    I got the biggest kick out of seeing Alessandro Juliani in the film. It was awesome seeing the two Hamilton’s together briefly.

  8. Natalie

    June 15, 2013 at 7:28 pm

    There’s also the girl who sold Lois candies for Valentine’s Day in Persuasion (Season 9) and who blew Kryptonite fairy dust onto Clark. In ‘Man of Steel’, Lois interviewed her while trying to track down the mysterious man who saved her.

  9. Nathan James

    June 16, 2013 at 3:04 am

    When Zod throws a truck at Clark, the truck says ‘lexcorp’ on it.

  10. Derek B. Gayle

    June 16, 2013 at 12:32 pm

    Worth noting that Mackenzie Gray was in Smallville even before the season 10 role–he was the evil doctor in “Cyborg” back in season 5.

  11. Vergon6

    June 16, 2013 at 3:38 pm

    Good catch Derek, I had forgotten about that. David Lewis, the guy who played the crazy Jeweler in “Committed” is listed as Major Paramore. He was looking over a solider’s shoulder I think for a few seconds in one of the scenes when Zod announces himself I believe. But I definitely saw him.

  12. Jenna

    June 16, 2013 at 3:53 pm

    In the part of Man of Steel where Superman leaves the bar/ dinner he is working at the girl on the steps when he leaves is Susan Capra (s?), Not Suzanne her twin sister who is passing out name tags, From the episode of Smallville where Lois and Clark go back for their five year reunion. She is the girl that greets them at the door. You only see her for three seconds in Smallville but I have watched the Smallville series 10 times ( I know I am a loser but I can’t get enough)

  13. Dan

    June 16, 2013 at 5:44 pm

    All great little nods, enjoyed seeing all of them.

    though I dont get the logic behind the whole changing Whitney Forman to Fordham. Wa he supposed to even be the same character??

    • Craig Byrne

      June 16, 2013 at 7:30 pm

      I don’t think so… or rather, they might not have had the permissions to use him. Whitney Fordman was a character created by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar for Smallville. There might be licensing issues preventing him from being used in another media without their permission.

      • Dan

        June 23, 2013 at 3:40 pm

        Wow thanks for the reply and info Craig.

        And I gotta thank you for everything you’ve done with the site and everything Smallville related over the years.

        It all made watching the show and being a fan an even better experience ; )


  14. Marlin Gramenz

    June 17, 2013 at 11:45 am

    This may just be some fan’s rumor, but I heard someone say that they saw “Wayne Tech” on the satellite orbiting earth, or something along those lines. It’s not a seasons 1-10 connection, but it’s interesting nevertheless! I don’t know if it’s correct, but I’m looking for that when I see Man Of Steel a second time! :)

  15. MovieNut

    June 18, 2013 at 10:48 am

    For an instant, one of the Canadian soldiers (the Caucasian one) in the bar could be seen. He was played by an actor who played one of Lex Luthor’s more senior bodyguards for several episodes of “Smallville”‘s 7th Season.

  16. michael

    June 18, 2013 at 2:15 pm

    The moment that stood out for me was when Clark had the confrontation with the truck driver in the bar, after which he comes out to find his truck has been amusingly smashed up.

    It seemed very similar to a scene in Smallville where Clark has a confrontation with the Jocks at the school dance or something, and they come outside to find that their trucks have all been stacked on top of one another.

  17. Jeff Wagner

    June 19, 2013 at 9:17 am

    I wish they would bring back Smallville or at least make some movies, I have all 10 seasons and some how it still just doesn’t seem like enough stories when it comes to Clark Kent and Superman, Please if anyone who has the ability to make the show happen again, do it for the love of Zod err I mean God or Superman, Tom Welling if your listening, come back and bring your sister Kara, Lana, Lois and Lex, lets have some more fun eh!

    • Dan

      July 9, 2013 at 5:51 am

      Sounds like you need to be reading the Smallville Season 11 comic

  18. supermanvrszod

    June 24, 2013 at 11:40 am

    Shelby (clarks dog in smallville) has a different name in man of steel why change the name?is Shelby not in the comics?

    • Dan

      July 8, 2013 at 7:27 pm

      Shelby was created just for Smallville the same way the dogs the Kents had in MOS were created just for that.

      It would have been weird and confusing for Man of Steal to use characters and events that only existed in Smallville.

  19. Gensael

    June 27, 2013 at 4:39 pm

    The more I think about it, the more I realize there were even more nods to Smallville (tv show). How about the bus going off the bridge into the water? Looks exactly like Lex going off the bridge in his Porsche.. and whos there to save them? Clark.

  20. Brittany

    June 28, 2013 at 4:55 am

    Great article! I recognized so many actors from Smallville. Couldn’t believe how many Easter Eggs were in the film.

    By the way, the episode Chad Krowchuck appears in, Forever, is actually in Season 4.

  21. Lily

    July 1, 2013 at 4:50 am

    The waitress in the cafe was the ‘fairy’ in season 9’s episode ‘Persuasion’ who gives Lois the kryptonite-infected chocolate.

  22. zernan

    July 3, 2013 at 12:24 pm

    in an episode in smallville wherein jor-el went to earth and was known as the drifter named “joe”.. in man of steel, clark was known as “joe” also..

  23. Kevin

    July 3, 2013 at 6:56 pm

    In the diner scence sitting at the bar are two soldiers talking. They played 2 of Lex’s security guards in the first 2 to 3 seasons of Smallville. The African American soldier played Lex’s security guard Darius in Smallville.

  24. Kevin

    July 5, 2013 at 6:22 am

    I also noticed (don’t remember where exactly) a shop called CASSIDY’S or something like that which may or may not be a reference to Cassidy Freeman

  25. Genevieve

    July 5, 2013 at 10:21 pm

    There’s a scene where Superman is fighting the Kryptonians in Smallville and you see the Smallville water tower, it’s the same tower from the TV show Smallville and a nod to Warner Bros. I don’t believe you mentioned that one, Craig.

  26. Sierra O'Loughlin

    October 13, 2013 at 1:28 am

    After seeing the obvious connections to Smallville (I only caught five: Amy Adams, Mackenzie Gray, Alessandro Juiliani, David Paetkau, and Tahmoh Penikett) I looked it up on imdb and went through every actor in the cast of 112. There were 22 actors TOTAL who had been on Smallville at some point in the series’s run. I was ecstatic and decided it was most definitely a nod to our favorite show and not a largely Canadian casting pool. ;)

    Also worth noting: Aaron Smolinski played a communications officer in MOS. Aaron played Baby Clark Kent in 1978’s Superman: The Movie and “Boy at Phone Booth” in Superman 3.

    I do have the list of actors and which episode they were in if anyone’s interested.

    That is all. :D

  27. Yiliang

    October 17, 2013 at 12:27 pm

    Clark’s first save was for a vehicle that ran off the bridge and into the water, same as his first save in Smallville for Lex in the series premiere.

    Superman’s took off on his first flight in the same manner as Kal did in the Season 4 premiere of Smallville.

    The tornado Jonathan Kent dies in in Man of Steel is a reference to the season 1 finale of Smallville.

    Superman’s first physical confrontation with Zod is the same manner as Clark did with the Zod-possessed Lex, flying through the fields of Smallville, grappling with each other in the season 6 premiere.

  28. Baltazar

    December 2, 2013 at 5:29 pm

    The actor who plays a role in the episode “prototype”. as the prototype jejeje, appears n Man Of Steele in a scene where lois is asking questions to witness of strange events

  29. Grant

    December 8, 2013 at 11:47 am

    I believe the jocks heckling Clark in front of Sullivan’s are wearing letterman jackets from Smallville highschool

  30. jordan

    December 9, 2013 at 2:31 pm

    The kryptonian in the movie that discovers the codex is in kals cells was one of lexs security guys in season 6. He was not bald and also played lexs clone in season 10..I hate when they use the same person for two different characters in the small ville series..they did it with the guy who played wes Keenan. And the kid who played in season 3 when the football coach burned his arm ..played a cop in one of the last seasons.. also noticed the two boys from Tim the tool man Taylor in smalville??

  31. Brandon

    January 27, 2014 at 11:32 pm

    In MOS, the same crescendo plays when the priest says ”sometimes, you have to take a leap of faith” as what plays when Clark flies in VR on Smallville.

  32. BlackGoku

    March 5, 2014 at 11:14 pm

    So how many Smallville alum were in the “Man of Steel” movie?

    1. Mackenzie Gray played a clone of Lex, season 10, episode premiere “Lazarus” on Smallville but as Kryptonian Jax-Ur.
    2. Alessandro Juliani played Dr. Emil Hamilton season 8, 9 & 10 (14 separate episodes) on Smallville but a military tech sergeant at ice station in the film.
    3. Amy Adams played Jodi Melville season 1 episode 7, “Craving” girl in Smallville but as Lois Lane in the film.
    4. Kwesi Ameyaw played Dairus (1 of Lex’s security guards) season 3, on Smallville but a soldier at the dinner.
    5. Mike Dopud played George (another 1 of Lex’s security guards) season 6, on Smallville but a soldier at the dinner.
    6. Chad Krowchuck season 3, episode “Forever” as “Wendell on Smallville but Glen Woodburn the blogger.
    7. Tahmoh Penikett played two different characters on Smallville. Back in Season 3, he was living dead kid “Vince Davis” in “Resurrection,” and then played super-soldier “Wes Keenan” in a recurring part in Season 6.
    8. Ian Tracey played Lincoln Cole in the season 5, episode “Mercy” on Smallville but bully trucker in the film.
    9. David Paetkau played two characters on Smallville, an abused football player in season 1′s, “Hothead” then in season 8, played officer Danny Turpin in “Bulletproof.”
    10. David Lewis played two characters on Smallville, as Dr. Marcus season 3, episode “Calling” and Macy the crazy jeweler in season 8, episode “Committed” but Major Laramore in the film.
    11. Carmen Lavigne played the Valentine fairy in season 9, episode “Persuasion” played but was Chrissy the waitress in the film.
    12. Some said they saw Hilary Jardine form Smallville season 10, episode “Homecoming” as well but this has been unverified as of yet.

    So there you have it, a complete on set cast of Smallville alum who had a part in the “Man of Steel” movie 2013. If any has more I may have missed please share and update…

    B.K. aka BlackGoku…

  33. SmallVilleLovEr

    April 17, 2015 at 8:38 pm

    Did anyone notice that on the Smallville water tower the name of the town is written EXACTLY in the same font and style as the Smallville tv show title? It basically IS tje Smallville from the shows title sequence. Crazy cool

  34. Cedric Taylor

    March 31, 2016 at 7:24 am

    Another nugget when young Clark in MOS looks back over his shoulder while on the bus, when he’s about to save the kids.

    That style and look looks like the Smallville farm boy. Looks like the kid had a Tom Welling vibe

  35. Doug Masters

    November 27, 2016 at 7:17 pm

    This one I feel is one BIG one people miss Jimmy Olsen is played by Michael Cassidy who also played Grant Gabriel / Julian Luthor who also worked at The Daily Planet

    • Craig Byrne

      January 8, 2017 at 12:28 am

      That was for Batman v Superman, and the Man of Steel article was written 3 years before that came out.

  36. D

    February 9, 2017 at 9:25 am

    Did no one notice that the Kryptonian who drew blood from Superman on Zod’s ship in MOS is the evil Lex clone in one episode of Smalllville season 10??!?

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Smallville Animated Update: It May Be A While…

On TalkVille, the reality of the current status of the Smallville animated project was discussed.



On a recent episode of Michael Rosenbaum and Tom Welling’s TalkVille podcast, they had the show’s creator Al Gough as a call-in guest, and among the topics discussed was the Smallville animated project that they’ve been trying to get off the ground. Unfortunately, Gough brought up the reality that especially with regime changes at the studio, it may be a while.

“Regime change” refers to changes in leadership at the studio or network. As an example, the regime changed massively when Smallville moved from The WB (who had executives that loved them) to The CW (where Dawn Ostroff was more interested in “pretty rich white girls with problems” shows and kept trying to kill Smallville).

“The problem with most projects in development in any studio and any network is regime change, and Warners has obviously gone through a lot, and I think the fact that they’re in the process of rebooting Superman again, unfortunately, I think, keeps our thing off the table for a bit,” Gough said in discussion with the actors. He pointed out that everything comes around in one form or another, pointing to Hulu’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer revival as such a thing.

So, don’t give up hope… but for now, it seems it’s not happening anytime soon, if at all.

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John Schneider Added To Salute to Smallville 2025 in Chicago!

John Schneider has been added to the 2025 Salute to Smallville convention in Chicago from Creation Entertainment.



John Schneider is the latest actor to be added to the guest list for Creation Entertainment’s second “Salute To Smallville” convention, happening September 13-14 in Chicago. Schneider portrayed Clark’s human father Jonathan Kent from Seasons 1-5 and returned for several episodes in the show’s final season.

Schneider will be joining Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum, Kristin Kreuk, Erica Durance, John Glover, Aaron Ashmore, Adrianne Palicki, and Alaina Huffman at this year’s event! Last year’s convention was a fantastic experience and it’s well worth checking out! You can read more about Salute to Smallville and purchase tickets here.

DISCLAIMER: KryptonSite’s Craig Byrne has created web graphics and websites for Creation Entertainment in addition to hosting their 2024 Salute to Smallville event.

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Annette O’Toole’s Big Smallville Regret

Annette O’Toole discusses her biggest regret from her time on Smallville.



Smallville’s Annette O’Toole recently spoke with Salon magazine about her biggest regret from her time on the show. It’s a topic she has discussed on the TalkVille podcast, and it is something she talked about in KryptonSite’s interview to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the series premiere.

Basically, it was the notion that she never was able to share scenes with Christopher Reeve. While the plan originally was for a scene between them in the Season 4 premiere “Crusade,” in the two appearances that Reeve did make on Smallville failed to reunite O’Toole with Reeve, which is a shame, as Annette played Lana Lang to Christopher Reeve’s Clark Kent in the film Superman III.

“I never understood it,” she said. “I should have picked up the phone and called the producers and said what are you thinking? You’ve got the prior Lana Lang and Superman. Why aren’t you putting them in a scene together? It kind of broke my heart. It was kind of like ‘if they don’t see, I’m not gonna tell ’em! They don’t understand!’ So who’s regretting it? Not them. I knew it would be the last time I’d ever get to see Chris, so, yeah, I’m very sad about that.”

You can watch the clip below.


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