THUNDERHAWK - MASK leader Matt Trakker was the pilot of Thunderhawk, a sports car that could go into flight.

GATOR - Dusty Hayes drove this jeep that could not only have a freezing ray on top; it also could shoot out a little speedboat type thing. Very helpful.

RHINO - Bruce Sato, Alex Sector, and Matt Trakker all piloted this one at one time or another. Rhino had anti-gravity cannons quite similar to the ones used in Bruce Sato's mask. It also had a battering ram in the front, a seperate little car that could come out of the back, a computer/control room, and a missile launcher.

CONDOR - Brad Turner's trusty motorcycle that converted into a small helicopter. Condor could also go at very fast speeds and had an anti-matter ray.

Watch for more MASK and VENOM vehicles coming soon to this website!

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