ISSUE #199
DECEMBER 21, 1999

"Did you know you have to make the stuffing? It doesn't come in the bird."
-- Lois Lane, "Season's Greedings"

*Gasp* usually it takes two months for a newsletter... and here it's only been like two days?!?! What is going on?

Well, it's because this is our special "Season's Greedings" issue -- devoted to the Christmas classic episode that has ranked on the Top Ten as... well, you can keep reading to find out :-) "SG" also happens to be airing this morning at 9am (ET) on TNT, so you may have missed it, but if you didn't... be sure to watch! TNT is showing the other holiday episodes of "L&C" also this week so spread some Christmas cheer. May there be an Atomic Space Pikachu -- err, Rat under your tree and keep away from the Kryptonite flu.

Have a safe and happy holiday, and a great New Year! See you in 2000!

Craig Byrne
President of the L&C Krypton Club

A Collection Of Holiday Cheer From "Season's Greedings"

"Season's Greedings," written by Dean Cain, was a popular pick among fans, and in remembrance of the holiday season, we're going to take a look back at some classic quotes from that episode....

"It's just that it's everywhere. Ribbons and wreathes and mistletoe and trees and Santas and elves and Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, pounding you in the face, over and over - You must love Christmas! You must love Christmas! You must love Christmas!" -- Lois

"Lois is in trouble, Lois is in trouble!" -- Clark

"For I'm a jolly good fellow... for I'm a jolly good fellow..." -- Jimmy

"I don't know if I wanna spend a dumb, drippy, kissy-faced Christmas... I wanna go to Graceland." -- Perry

"Clark Jerome Kent, I never spanked you. I never had to. But right now, I'd like to drop your britches and tan your hide like cheap leather." -- Martha Kent

by Craig Byrne

Down to the big two, as picked by the fans... is it any surprise what the #2 Favorite was...?

#2 Best Episode
"Season's Greedings"
Episode #30 * Written by Dean Cain
Guest Starring: Isabel Sanford, Dick Van Patten, Denise Richards, Dom Irrera,
Sandee Van Dyke, and Sherman Hemsley as "Mr. Shott"

The Jeffersons and Dean Cain both "move on up" in this excellent holiday episode of "Lois & Clark." Sherman Hemsley plays Winslow Shott, a failed toymaker whose toys got no fanfare -- so he creates a formula that makes children greedy and all want his toy, and the formula ends up making grown-ups childish and greedy as well. The toys spread through Metropolis and soon everybody wants an "Atomic Space Rat."

Clark Kent actor Dean Cain wrote this one which proves that he can do more than just act. The episode also has several other fun moments, such as Lois's hoping Superman will come over for Christmas dinner -- and her reaction when someone other than Superman shows up at the door. This episode is also the one to watch for what very well might be the most romantic moment in the series' history.

For the "Before They Were Stars" file, the episode also features Denise Richards in the small role of Angela, Jimmy's love interest. Angela was referred to in a few more episodes but never seen again.

The episode also has "Secret Santas," Superman pulling a sleigh, and a snowball fight -- what more could a viewer want? If you want a good holiday viewing, this one's one to see.

#2 Worst Episode
"Swear To God, This Time We're Not Kidding"
Episode #68 * Written by John McNamara
Guest Starring: Charles Fleischer, David Doyle, Ray Buktenica, Leann Hunley, and Delta Burke as "The Wedding Destroyer"

Hearing the name of the villain as "The Wedding Destroyer" is enough to make someone gag before even seeing the episode. Hearing who's playing her only makes matters worse.

But that's what happened on October 6, 1996, when the powers that be finally decided to get Lois and Clark married -- after the clone-wedding fiasco viewers had left in droves, so there *had* to be a real wedding. So what did we get? Something a little like one...

Lois and Clark had put the demented "Wedding Destroyer" behind bars years ago, but now she's escaped -- and learned Lois and Clark are going to be getting married, so of course she wants to ruin it. Throw in tabloid reporter Leo Nunk who helps her out and you've got a party.

Lois and Clark learn of this, and decide to hold a "fake" wedding -- with only immediate guests -- to lure in the Wedding Destroyer and stop her. And stop her they did.

Then enter Mike the guardian angel, played by the late David Doyle.

Obviously an attempt to parody L&C's competitor, "Touched By An Angel," "Mike" had been watching Lois and Clark all along, much like we have, through the ups and downs. Supposedly he was there to represent the Powers That Be, but... well...

Lois and Clark fly to the middle of nowhere and get married. Perry and Jimmy & co. show up inexplicably. And suddenly, Lois and Clark are married and ready to go on their honeymoon.

The comic books at the time handled things much better. They had a bachelor party for Clark, old friends returning. This is what the wedding of Lois and Clark should have been. Sadly, it wasn't. Sometimes, one would wish that they really were kidding.

The Favorites So Far:
#2 "Season's Greedings"
#3 "The Pilot"
#4 "Pheromone, My Lovely"
#5 "And The Answer Is"
#6 "Whine, Whine, Whine"
#7 "We Have A Lot To Talk About"
#8 "Tempus, Anyone?"
#9 "Soul Mates"
#10 "Honeymoon in Metropolis"

The Least Favorites So Far:
#2 "Swear To God, This Time We're Not Kidding"
#3 "I Now Pronounce You..."
#4 "Double Jeopardy"
#5 "Seconds"
#6 "Toy Story"
#7 "Forget Me Not"
#8 "Contact"
#9 "Never on Sunday"
#10 "Oedipus Wrecks"

by Craig Byrne

Hundreds of talented people worked on "Lois & Clark" through its 87 episodes. Sadly, as with any TV series, even 5 years later several of those actors, actresses, and even crew members have passed on. Here's a look at a few of them, and if you know of any that were left out, *please* send them this way.

Persis Khambatta (Indian Ambassador in the Pilot, 1950-1998)
Best known for playing "Ilia" in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Persis Khambatta died of a heart attack in 1998.

Sonny Bono (Mayor in "Man of Steel Bars," 1935-1998)
The most famous of the deceased L&C actors, variety show host/singer/congressman Sonny Bono died in a skiing accident in January 1998.

Rosalind Cash (Judge Diggs in "Man of Steel Bars," 1938-1995)
A longtime actress, Rosalind Cash died of cancer in October 1995.

J.T. Walsh ("Operation Blackout," 1943-1998)
J.T. Walsh was best known for his hard villain roles. His final role was an appearance in the movie "Pleasantville," which was released after his death by a heart attack in 1998.

David Doyle ("Swear To God This Time We're Not Kidding," 1929-1997)
David Doyle, who played "Mike" the guardian angel in "Swear To God This Time We're Not Kidding," was best known for his role as Bosley in the 1970's TV series "Charlie's Angels." Doyle died in 1997 of a heart attack, only a few months after the L&C episode aired. The role of Bosley is rumored to be going to Bill Murray for the "Angels" big-screen movie set to come out next year.

Mary Frann (Alice White in "Toy Story," 1943-1998)
Mary Frann was best known for playing the wife in Bob Newhart's 1980s sitcom "Newhart" which currently airs on Nick at Nite. Frann was the actress chosen to play Alice White when she finally appeared in the L&C episode "Toy Story." She died in 1998 of heart failure at the very young age of 55.

Mark Zarate (Visual effects supervisor for "Lois & Clark," 1959-1998)
Mark Zarate was the visual effects supervisor for "Lois & Clark," so if you saw an effect on the show that you liked, chances are he was in charge of it. Zarate died in 1998 after surgery.

by Craig Byrne

"Lois & Clark" the TV series won't be returning to the air anytime soon, but fans of the show might be impressed with the current directions the Superman comics are taking.

Gone are most of the old creative teams, and brought in are writers and artists who remember the whole idea that Clark Kent *does* have a wife who is as important to the mythos as the costume is. Lots of stuff reminiscent of the show, like pacing on the ceiling... and some fun stories too.

A recent story involved people noticing that Superman had a wedding ring on, prompting the world to wonder who Superman was married to. Another recent issue involved Lex Luthor inviting Lois and Clark to a show and trying to get rid of Clark so he could spend time with Lois. There's also a storyline where Lex has some leverage that he can use against Lois at any time. Finally, there was a recent issue where Lois started to get jealous when Wonder Woman would come over and want Clark to go out and do the Superman thing with her. The characters are acting more real and more interesting, and more like the TV series, and another highlight of the series now is the excellent coloring by Wildstorm FX.

DC Comics' Superman comics are published every week for $1.99 each. They are highly recommended now so check them out!


What was the quote used at the top of the very first Krypton Club Newsletter on May 22, 1995?

Look for the answer in the next newsletter.

The answer to last issue's trivia: Former L&C villains Morgan Fairchild (Miranda of "Pheromone, My Lovely") and George and Weezie Jeffers--err, Sherman Hemsley and Isabel Sanford (the Toyman & his assistant from "Season's Greedings") peddled Old Navy.

The 200th Krypton Club Newsletter! The results of Favorite & Least Favorite episodes! Hopefully a few good surprises! See you next year!

Editor/Krypton Club President: Craig "Party Like It's 1999" Byrne

THE KRYPTON CLUB NEWSLETTER, Volume 1, Issue 199, December 21, 1999. Published online monthly (or something like that). Copyright (c) 2000 The Lois & Clark Krypton Club. All rights reserved. Any material within is property of the Krypton Club and/or respective individuals unless otherwise noted as coming from elsewhere. Any opinions within belong solely to the individuals who express them. Copying or any unauthorized publication of material from this newsletter without permission is illegal. Hope you get everything you want for Christmas... me, I'm still waiting on that Darth Vader Removable Helmet figure... *sigh*

In honor of the 200th issue, a look back at the first five Krypton Club Newsletters is now available!

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