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April 1996: Lois & Clark fans wait over a month for "It's A Small World After All" to air, Teri Hatcher appears on "SNL," and the comics' Superman and Lois have broken up. Here's some of what was going on in the Krypton Club Newsletter during that time period:


It has just been announced that Teri Hatcher will be hosting the April 20th episode of NBC's fading comedy show "Saturday Night Live." The show begins at 11:30PM Eastern Standard Time that night. Don't miss it; when Teri is around, a "Lois & Clark" parody is very likely to follow!

Before we start with the newsletter, a few things....

Thank you very much for bearing with issue #103... reaction was mixed, but I at least hope you liked it... we had a lot of fun doing it, and don't be surprised if we do it again NEXT April Fool's Day! A few things need to be cleared up though... since ALL of the news was bogus, some people got the impression that some of it was real... particularly the "fourth and presumed final season" comment and the claim that the 4th season finale will be "The Return of Spencer Spencer." NOTHING has been announced about next season being the final year, and it is highly doubtful that our favorite head will be featured in the next season premiere. Sorry for the confusion!

Also, this is just a note to those of you who have written me with address changes or unsubscription requests... the Krypton Club is unfortunately *not* automated, it is run by real people, so it may take 2-3 weeks for your requests to go into effect. I'm sorry it cannot be sooner, but work (for me) and school (for Matt) prevent us from getting to those things any sooner. To prevent confusion, I'd like to request that you send changes/unsubscription requests to me only once... or I'll end up being really confused. <G> If you don't see the changes made within 2 or 3 weeks, THEN write me again... but 2-3 e-mails a week is very confusing, and it won't speed things up at all.

Craig Byrne
President of the L&C Krypton Club
Since this is e-mail, these things aren't really separated into pages, but
this is at least the order in which you will be seeing things in this
issue of the Krypton Club Newsletter.....

People Magazine has a "50 Most Beautiful People" poll!
What makes "L&C" so special? Lois517 reveals all!
See how the "Contact" rerun fared against its competition!
"L&C" on "ET" and Matt in print!
The top ten things Clark learned from "The Never-Ending Saga of
Amnesia Lane," by JLerebours!
He's such a... a... fanboy! Meet The Fanboy!
Got some L&C stuff to trade? Is there something you are looking
for? Check out this section, and maybe you'll find what you want!
Commentary and questions from the readers of the KC Newsletter!
L&C brain teasers!
10: NEXT ISSUE....
What to look forward to in our next issue!
People Magazine is holding a poll as to which 50 people should be voted "The 50 Most Beautiful People" for this year. You can vote by going to their website at the following World Wide Web url....

Of course you know who you should vote for... <G> Let's see Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain win!
By Lois517

What is it about Lois & Clark that people love, and can't get enough of? Everyone who knows anything about American culture knows about the love triangle between two people. From the comic books, decades old, to the TV series, past and present, Superman is evident to many generations. In addition, you have the wildly popular movies, that are favorites to many. In the current series (loved dearly by us FoLCs) there is more of a concentration on the love aspect. I believe that most look at L&C and can relate. Everyone at some point has probably loved someone and thought for sure that they were invisable to them, like Clark. Not only that, but if they were someone else, with "talents" that they don't possess, that surely this loved one would see and return this love. Perhaps also people can invision themselves as Lois, cool and confident on the inside, but secretly wondering about that special someone that's out there, but unable to let that exterior fall away. When Lois finally thought she'd found that someone, she still didn't share herself completely, she shared with Clark, her friend, who silently suffered, listening to his beloved talk about him, but not really knowing. Teenagers, adults and even an older generation can remember these feelings and enjoy watching fine actors and actresses play the parts of characters that respond in ways we would. Now I know what everyone is thinking,"Ok, how do we relate to the alien-from-another-planet thing?"

Ok, good point. True, the "Are there Aliens?" question could be batted around for ages, but besides that point, Superman is the essence of all that is good in the world. He doesn't know why he exists, but it is ingrained in him to help others. He puts his safety on the line when ever he saves a train full of people, or stops a mudslide in Brazil. Some might say that he's invulnerable, but who knows if his powers would fade, or how much he can take. All Superman cares about is the safety of others, a truely admirable trait, one that others can admire and wish they had. When I watch Lois& Clark, I watch for reasons beyond the,"Gee, Dean Cain sure is cute." or "Well, there's nothing else on. . ." I watch because this is a timeless story, told over and over again, about two halves that make a whole, their family and friends who will stand by them no matter what, and a guy in a red, yellow, and blue suit that proves that one man really can make a difference.
Reported by Skip Walker

For a repeat considered to be one of the worst of the year by many, "Contact" held its own. "Cybill" won the 8:00-8:30 timeslot, but dropped 5.5 ratings points from its lead-in, "60 Minutes." "L&C" still came very close ratings-wise to the new episode of "Mad About You," and it still beat over 50% of its competition. Here are the results, from Wednesday's USA Today....

"Cybill" 14.8 10.6 17 #26 CBS
"NewsRadio" * 15.8 10.3 16 #27 NBC
"Mad About You" 14.4 9.3 15 #42 NBC
"Lois & Clark" (r) 13.1 8.6 14 #49 ABC
"Bonnie" * 11.9 8.5 14 #50 CBS
"The Simpsons" 11.8 7.2 12 #63 FOX
"The Show" * 8.4 5.4 9 #82 FOX
"Sister, Sister" (r) 4.8 3.2 5 #94 WB
Kirk (r) * 5.1 3.1 5 #98 WB

(r) = Rerun; * = Started at 8:30PM EST
Check out the intro paragraph of this newsletter for a very exciting sighting!
"Lois & Clark" was featured on Friday evening's "Entertainment Tonight."
Shameless self-promotion time: Krypton Club Vice-President Matt "The Mad Thinker" Combes had yet ANOTHER letter printed in a Superman comic, and won yet ANOTHER "Baldy" for his writing actions! <G> You can read Matt's letter in SUPERMAN #112, on sale at fine comic shops everywhere =^)
Send your L&C sightings to "SIGHTINGS!" Special thanks goes out to ABC Amy, who posted many
of these sightings on America Online (keyword: ABC Primetime)
TODAY'S "L&C" TOP TEN LIST! By Ketsia Lerebours
Here they are, the top ten things that Clark learned from the "Never-Ending Saga of Amnesia Lane"....

#10. Never trust a psychiatrist who say's that the best way to treat an amnesia patient is to keep her away from all her loved ones.
#9. When your fiancee has premonitions that something bad is going to happen at your wedding, take her seriously.
#8. When strange gifts start to arrive at your apartment (dead flowers and a smashed up wedding cake) you should investigate!
#7. Never, ever believe your fiancee when she tells you to get lost while she's 'out of her mind'.
#6. Never let your fiancee get into the car and drive off with a wanted felon/psychopath.
#5. When your fiancee/wife morphoses from a loving and brilliant reporter into a "clothes shopping air-head" you should be suspicious.
#4. You should always make sure that your fiancee/wife has an identifying mark on her, just in case she gets captured and cloned, so that you are able to tell them apart.
#3. One million and one ways to portray a kicked-puppy dog, when your heart is reaped out of your chest and handed to you.
#2. It *does* take a man of steel to be in love with "Calamity Lane."

And here it is, the #1 thing that Clark learned
from the "Never-Ending Saga of Amnesia Lane"....
Even superheroes can be Idiots!

Okay everybody, get on the ball and send us some more top ten lists!
Anyone who's ever visited the DC Comics Online area has probably met "The Fanboy." Defender against big bearded babies and those who feel they are too young and tough for online, Fan has become one of the most well-known folks in the DC Comics area. He claims that Teri Hatcher is not the goddess we all make her out to sound like; but we think deep down he likes her just as much as we do. So here he is... THE FANBOY!

REAL NAME: Andy Khouri
ONLINE NICKNAMES: Fan, Fanny, Fandy, Andy, Fanny-poo, Fandude, TF
BIRTHDAY: February 22, 1980
OCCUPATION: Alienated foreign student at West Mid High.
....QUOTE: "Great Shades of Elvis"
....EPISODE: The one where Lois gets in trouble and Supes has to save her...heh
....GUEST STAR OR VILLAIN: The one with that kid who used to be on "The Wonder Years"
....SCENE: The closing credits... lets me know that the show is OVER
....HOBBIES: Comics, movies
....MOVIES: Batman, The Crow, and many more
....TV SHOWS: Highlander: The Series
....MUSIC: Alice in Chains, NIN, and others
....BOOKS: To Kill A Mockingbird, Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing
....GOALS IN LIFE: Immortality, a job somewhere in DC Comics, and to experience the sensation of worry-freeness again

Please e-mail your profiles to Karin Tessin. If there's anything else you'd like people to know that you'd like to share with 1650 other FOLCs, be sure to include that separately! Please return the profiles in this same format, and remember to keep the profiles within the set limits (i.e. limiting to 2 when it says "limit 2")... thanks!
If you have an announcement you'd like us to print, send it to "BULLETIN
Today's quote came from the Pilot episode of "Lois & Clark."
Let the Krypton Club celebrate your birthday! Please include your birthdate (month and day), and whether you would like to be recognized by your screen name or your real name. Send your first *and* last name if you choose your real name. All e-mail addresses will be posted, either by your real name, or by itself if you wish to keep your identity secret.

ABC Online on America Online will be having another "L&C" Trivia Tournament on Sunday night, April 7th, at 9PM EST. You'll have the chance to win cool "Lois & Clark" memorabilia! Be sure to arrive in the CyberPlex (keyword: @CyberPlex) at 9PM sharp to hear the rules of the game and earn your chance to be a participant in the tournament.
The Krypton Club Letters Column is back, but it doesn't have a name! Unfortunately, all of the GOOD names like "Legion Outpost," "Justice Log," and "Speed Reading" have already been used, so this letters column needs a title! Send your title suggestions and letters of comment our way! Our pick for a new title will premiere in newsletter #105!
SUBJECT: Comment ;)
DATE: Monday, 3/18/96
FROM: Jibber96
Hello! I'd just like to start out by saying the Krypton Club ROCKS!!! You have all done a great job in keeping it interesting and easy to use! THANK U SOOO MUCH!!

Now for my comment. I love fanfiction (only about Lois and Clark, of course!) and it would be great if you put a link in the club to some great L&C fic. I have seen in the archives something called the "spotlight," but I can only get to the latest one, "Snowflakes." Is there any way to get to back issues?? Anyway, thanx for listening, and keep up the great work! :)

From- Jibber96, a devoted L&C fan!

[We're planning on starting up with fanfiction again next Sunday... and a new Fanfiction Spotlight should be up on the World Wide Web sometime within the next week as well. --Craig]
SUBJECT: April Fools
DATE: Thursday, 4/4/96
FROM: TankGirlSA
You guys scared the bejeezes out of me with the April Fools issue!! I think I'm probably the biggest sucker who ever lived, but I thought you were serious about the Michael Landes thing! Oh well. My suggestion for the letters column is that you call it The Planet Mailroom. It might be interesting.


[Nope, Landes isn't returning... yet... although I still do think a cameo appearance by him in an episode would be hilarious. Hope the April Fool's issue didn't give you TOO much of a heart attack! -- Craig]
Here is "L&C" trivia question for today.....

Everyone who has seen "The Dad Who Came In From The Cold" knows that Jimmy Olsen's father's name is "Jack Olsen." But what is Jimmy's father's name in the comics?

The answer to issue #103's trivia: "Foolish Dr. Deter" Larry Poindexter was a member of the cast of the Fox sitcom "Duet." "Duet" was one of the original 4 or so shows to premiere on the Fox network in 1987. (Other early Fox shows included "Married... with Children," which is still on the air; "It's Garry Shandling's Show;" and "The Tracy Ullman Show," which in turn spun off "The Simpsons.")
Birthday announcements, sightings, a top ten, some letters, and maybe some L&C news thrown in here and there as well <G>! See you then!

Craig "Dead Thinker" Byrne
President of the L&C Krypton Club

Matt "Blind Thinker" Combes
Vice President of the L&C Krypton Club


Since this is e-mail, these things aren't really separated into pages, but this is at least the order in which you will be seeing things in this issue of the Krypton Club Newsletter.....

Teri's movie is delayed yet again! (big surprise!)
Teri Hatcher to host "SNL," Skip Sighting!
The top ten perfect L&C couples!
Meet Lauren7747!
Krypton Club Member Birthdays!
Got some L&C stuff to trade? Is there something you are looking
for? Check out this section, and maybe you'll find what you want!
Commentary and questions from the readers of the KC Newsletter!
L&C brain teasers!
What to look forward to in our next issue!
By Craig Byrne (

Back around August 1994, many FOLCs read a brief article in "Entertainment Weekly" about a new movie Teri "Lois" Hatcher would be appearing in, that would be coming out in December of that year. That movie was called "Heaven's Prisoners." The release date kept changing again and again, and then Savoy Pictures (the production company of "HP") went out of business, and it looked as if "Heaven's Prisoners" would never see the light of day.

Then, another production company took over the movie (I could be wrong on this fact...) and a release date was set for May 3rd. Well, they up and changed it on us again. The new planned release date for "HP" will be May 10th... hopefully, there will be no further delays.

The movie stars Teri (duh!) as well as Alec Baldwin... it should be pretty good =^) Teri's next movie, "2 Days In A Valley," is scheduled for a Fall release.
Another reminder... Teri Hatcher will be hosting "Saturday Night Live" on the night of Saturday, April 20! Don't miss it!
Sean Whalen (SuperMann's "Skip," no relation to Justin) appeared on Monday morning's episode of "Leeza."
Send your L&C sightings!! Special thanks goes out to ABC Amy, who posted many
of these sightings on America Online (keyword: ABC Primetime)
TODAY'S "L&C" TOP TEN LIST! By Sharon (scoons) and her Dad
Here they are, the top ten perfect couples of "L&C"....

#10. Jonathan and Martha Kent
#9. Baron Sunday and Constance--they can sit around all day and hex each other
#8. Ned and Lois's Metallic Dress
#7.5. Resplendent Man and Ultra Woman--they are color-coordinated.
#7. Gretchen Kelly and Bad Brain Johnson--she seems to be attracted to dead men.
#6. Metallo and Baby Gunderson--think about all the fun they can have with refrigerator magnets.
#5. Arianna Carlin and Dr. Isaac Mamba--they can sit around and make all of the little Loises that they want to.
#4. Cat Grant and (pick any or many names at random)
#3.5. Clois and Vatman--even though it may be a rather short relationship.
#3. Dr. Slimeball Deter and Diana Stride--after all, he does deserve a great big kiss.
#2. Dan Scardino and a nuclear bomb--it has to be safer than continuing to try to date Lois.

And here it is, the #1 couple on "L&C"...
Lois and Clark...Hello! Duh! It's their show!

Okay everybody, get on the ball and send us some more top ten lists!
The person profiled in this issue of the Krypton Club Newsletter also coincidentally happens to be the same person who came up with the new title for the Krypton Club letters column. She also did a top ten list for issue #100 about "The Top Ten Reasons The Krypton Club Lasted 100 Issues." Anyway, here's her profile!

REAL NAME: Lauren Dana
BIRTHDAY: May 3, 1981
RESIDENCE: Fairfax Station, Virginia
OCCUPATION: Busy freshman at Lake Braddock High School
....QUOTE: "Don't fall for me, farmboy... I don't have time for it."
....EPISODE: "Tempus, Anyone?"
....SCENE: Make-up scene at the end of "Whine, Whine, Whine"
....HOBBIES: Playing musical instruments, reading
....MOVIES: "To Have and Have Not" and "The Big Sleep"
....TV SHOWS: "Friends" and "Cybill" [the COMPETITION?!?! -- Craig]
....MUSIC/MUSICIANS: Movie soundtracks mostly, anything besides country or alternative
....BOOKS: "Sense & Sensibility" and "Persuasion"
GOALS IN LIFE (LIMIT 3): To become famous (in the arts), to tour Europe with a friend, and to learn to play as many musical instruments as possible =)

Please e-mail your profiles to Karin Tessin. If there's anything else you'd like people to know that you'd like to share with 1700 other FOLCs, be sure to include that separately! Please return the profiles in this same format, and remember to keep the profiles within the set limits (i.e. limiting to 2 when it says "limit 2")... thanks!
Happy Birthday to the Krypton Club members with b-days from April 8-14:

Jessica Weinberg (\8
Lara Lennaman (\8
Kieran Pechter (\8\9
Kate Haney (\9
Alan B. (Daily\9
Pam Jernigan (\9
Susan S. Lin (susanlin@MIT.EDU).............................................4\12
Aurora Lee (\14
Sarah Lai (\14
Amanda (\14

Happy Birthday to all of you! And thank you for sending in your birthdays! If you want to be able to see your birthday announced in the Krypton Club, check the Bulletin Board to find out how!!!
If you have an announcement you'd like us to print, send it to "BULLETIN
Today's quote came from "Top Copy."
Let the Krypton Club celebrate your birthday! Please include your birthdate (month and day), and whether you would like to be recognized by your screen name or your real name. Send your first *and* last name if you choose your real name. All e-mail addresses will be posted, either by your real name, or by itself if you wish to keep your identity secret.
The Krypton Club is expanding! We will soon have a special club/newsletter specially made for overseas fans of "Lois & Clark!" To find out more about the International Krypton Club, e-mail Dan Patterson. (note: this never happened).
jwarrene is missing a few of the first season episodes. If there's someone out there with first season episodes on tape, please e-mail her and find out exactly which eps she needs. She'll gladly pay all costs of dubbing, shipping & handling, etc.
A certain Krypton Club Vice-President is looking for a log of Sunday night's L&C Trivia on AOL. If you happened to log the trivia, please send a copy. Thanx. =)
A certain Krypton Club President is looking for back issues of the Krypton Club Newsletter... particularly newsletters between #39-67. If you could send those to him at he will be eternally grateful.
CKLuvsLL has an extra copy of the Tracy Scoggins workout video, and is willing to let go of her store-bought copy ($16 value) for only $5 to whoever wants it. E-mail her if you are interested.
Leona is looking for copies of the promotional ads that ABC ran for Lois and Clark before the series premiered in 1993. If anyone has them, please e-mail her.
A new name for the Krypton Club letters column has been chosen... and the selection is "Newsroom Notes!" Congratulations to Lauren7747, who gave us the new name! Thanks to everyone who participated! This letters column welcomes all letters of comment, and we try to use as much as we can!
SUBJECT: A question
DATE: Sunday, 3/31/96
What does "TPTB" stand for? I have seen it in the newsletters a couple of times, and it is driving me nuts because I don't know what it means!

["TPTB" stands for "The Powers That Be." "And who are the Powers that Be," you ask? The Powers That Be are those people who bring us Lois & Clark every week... from Warner Brothers to ABC. Maybe in an upcoming issue we can get permission to run Mike Williams' L&C Acronym List that explains all. --Craig]
Here is "L&C" trivia question for today.....

"Lois & Clark" executive producer Eugenie Ross-Leming used to be an actress. In fact, she was a regular on a VERY short-lived sitcom in 1979. What was the name of the sitcom, and for bonus points, what kind of character did she play?

The answer to issue #104's trivia: Jimmy's father's name in the comics is JAMES Olsen. Another strange name change is that in the comics, Lois's mom's name is Ella Lane.
A review of the last two Superman comics in Matt Combes' Comics Corner, a look at Teri Hatcher's comedic history, and more!

Craig Byrne
President of the L&C Krypton Club

Matt Combes
Vice President of the L&C Krypton Club


Before we begin, I'd like to tell you that the article on Teri's comedic history will be delayed until issue #108 of the Krypton Club Newsletter, to celebrate her appearance on next Saturday's "Saturday Night Live." For some reason when doing the "Next Issue" box on Wednesday I got the dates confused <G> Still, I hope you will find this issue to be interesting =^) A lot of people have written me and asked what's going on with Dean Cain, and if he is leaving the show... the answer is inside this very issue =^)

Thanks to everyone who sent me the Krypton Club Newsletter back issues I was looking for... there are still a few I'm looking for, and I'll be asking some of you who offered if you have copies, so keep an eye on your e-mailbox. Thanks again!

Craig Byrne
President of the L&C Krypton Club
Since this is e-mail, these things aren't really separated into pages, but this is at least the order in which you will be seeing things in this issue of the Krypton Club Newsletter.....

Is Dean leaving? Tabloids say yes, but luckily Dean says no.
But, for the sake of argument, let's take a look at some shows
that were doomed when they replaced their lead actors....
ABC Online holds yet another contest!
Teri to host "SNL," Dean on "Tom Snyder," and more!
Superman's top ten least favorite colors of Kryptonite, by Will33880!
Meet another KC member!
Reviews of the last TWO Superman comics!
Commentary and questions from the readers of the KC Newsletter!
L&C brain teasers!
Here's what's on the tube tonight at 8!
10: NEXT ISSUE....
What to look forward to in our next issue!
By Craig Byrne (

[This article contains minor SPOILERs, so if you do not want any clues about this season's finale, you may want to forego reading this article. To sum it up for those of you who do not want to read it, a recent tabloid stated that Dean Cain was demanding more money and threatening to leave "L&C"; however, Dean has since proven this report to be utterly bogus. -- Craig]

FOLC's offline and all over the Internet were shocked and surprised when news went out of the latest report in the April 16th issue of the Star tabloid magazine. The magazine claimed that their "sources" told them that "L&C" actor Dean Cain, who of course plays Clark to perfection every week on the show, was LEAVING the show. Word spread like wildfire, and as a result, listserv, usenet, and message board posts all asked the question -- "Is Dean really leaving?"

Lucky for us, the answer is NO. The tabloids also tried pulling a similar stunt several weeks ago saying that Teri Hatcher threatened to walk out. Anyway, here's the article, from the April 16 issue of the Star... remember to take it with a grain of salt....

"Lois & Clark" fans are in for a super shock as the hit show finishes the season with a stunning cliffhanger that could spell the end of Superman - as well as series star Dean Cain. In the emotion-packed finale, the man of steel decides he must leave Earth for good to return to outer space and rescue his father's people from a life of bondage.

As he flies off to fulfill his destiny, a teary-eyed Lois looks on and whispers "Don't forget me." But Superman's hasty departure could also signal the end of Cain's reign as America's favorite man in tights. Insiders tell STAR that Cain is insisting his weekly salary be tripled to a whopping $450,000 - and producers are calling his bluff and threatening to strand Superman in space forever if he doesn't drop his demands.

"If worst comes to worst, they'll send Dean off the show and bring in some kind of replacement, claiming that it's Superman's cousin, or that he got his face damaged in some kind of kryptonite accident while in space," says a source close to the negotiations. "They're looking at how well DC Comics did with the Death of Superman storyline a couple of years ago. It was an instant collector's item. Of Course producers would like him back, but Warner Bros. is going to be fighting Dean over every extra cent he demands, hoping to reach some kind of middle ground."

Cain how vowed not to back down and has told friends he deserves the extra money for making the series a runaway hit. The insider revealed: "Dean told a pal: 'It's only fair. I know that the show is making tons more money for Warners. Lois & Clark is popular around the world. The show's a hit because I'm out there every day in front of the cameras for 12 or 16 hours in those tights strung up on wires. " ' I don't think I'm out of line asking for a raise.' "

But executives are hoping Cain will change his mind and have left the way open for him to return as Superman - provided he drops his demands for a mega-salary. According to the script's final scene, the man of steel flies off into the heavens to save his people with a beautiful Kryptonian woman called Zara, leaving Lois heart-broken and in tears. But he telepathically tells Lois that he still loves her, and she looks up to the skies with hope in her eyes.

"The producers put that in at the last minute to leave the door open for him to return to the show," said a source.
Okay, so now you've read it. Here's my analysis...

Anyone who believes the show could survive without Teri or Dean is completely, definitely, totally galactically stupid. The reason people watch "L&C" in the first place is to see the relationship between two lead characters... a replacement of an actor or a replacement of character (a cousin?) would ultimately cause the show's downfall. Let me give you a few examples of "replacement disasters" that may jog your memory a little....

Remember Coy and Vance Duke? Of course not; but they were brought in as replacements for Bo and Luke in the then-Top Ten show "The Dukes of Hazzard" back in 1982 [and heh, Matt, you can't stop me from mentioning the Dukes here... bwahahaha... -- Craig] when series stars Tom Wopat and John Schneider demanded more money. Anyway, the producers of "DOH" seemed to think that the car was the star of the show, so they brought these two country cousins in... of course, when they saw that their once-top 10 show wasn't even breaking the top 25, out were Coy and Vance and the REAL Dukes were back that next February. Unfortunately, the damage was already done... the show was never in the top ten again. Something similar would happen if there was a replacement for Teri or Dean... people may watch for an episode or two, then they'd decide they didn't like it and they'd decide to never watch the show again, so if Teri or Dean DID come back, they probably wouldn't still be around to watch anyway, and the show would be doomed anyway.

If the "Dukes" aren't your cup of tea, then let's see if you remember who the female lead was for the final season of TV's "Beauty and the Beast." If you guessed Linda Hamilton, you're wrong. While I do have to admit I do not remember this show too well, I do remember that her replacement and the show didn't last long at all after "Catherine" left the show.

Of course, some replacements DO end up working well... Kirstie Alley replaced Shelley Long on "Cheers"... and, while Rebecca wasn't nearly as cool as Diane <G>, the show still went on as usual. When David Caruso left "NYPD Blue," he was ably replaced by Jimmy Smits, and the show is doing wonderfully, which is more than you can say for Caruso's career. The main difference with these shows, though, is that even though there was sexual tension between Sam and Diane, "Cheers" wasn't ABOUT them, it was about the whole ensemble... "Lois & Clark" IS about those two characters... and taking either of them away would definitely destroy the show.

And then, there's that baloney about "a chunk of Kryptonite can hit him in the face and he can be played by a new actor"... the producers already tried that trick with Jimmy [and Lucy, and Herb, and Ellen, and Sam, and Lucy... well, I'm going a little too far into this... <G> -- Craig], but even so, Jimmy wasn't one of the two leads of the show... no one can play Clark as well as Dean, or Lois as well as Teri... it just can't happen.

Luckily, after all of us panicked after reading the article, Dean was quoted in a recent edition of "USA Today," referring to the tabloid report that he was going to leave.

Here's what he said....

"The article made me gag. It was so ridiculous. They didn't bother checking with me, my agent, my publicist, the network or the studio. I will be back next year."

A fitting end to this galactically stupid controversy. Maybe there was only one GOOD thing to come out of all this... some hilarious postings on many of the message boards, like this one I found on America Online by Greg Sullivan... check it out... <G>
Subj: Lois & ???
Date: 96-04-13 02:17:50 EDT
From: Goyosull

Since we all now know that the rumor of Dean Cain leaving the show is untrue, the following is an imaginary story (remember those?) based on the scenario of Dean leaving:
"A top secret memo has been made public by persons unknown within the Warner Bros. Studios. The memo concerned the recent defection of Dean Cain from the WB produced Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. The memo concerns the plotline for the first episode of the fourth season. Apparently the cliffhanger ending of Superman leaving is to be final and the 1st plot of the new season concerns the takeover of Star Labs by the larger conglomerate Acme Labs. Shortly after the takeover, two lab mice are stolen from the lab and Lois investigates. Shockingly, one of the mice is killed, but Lois adopts the other to console her in her loneliness. After this episode the series will be renamed "Lois and The Brain: New Adventures in World Domination." Apparently a new 'arc' for the entire fourth season will concern Brain's repeated attempts to take over the world and Lois' investigation of these crimes, little realizing that she is harboring the criminal genius in her own apartment.
WB apparently believe that combining two of its cult favorite shows will bring in a larger audience. ABC apparently liked the idea as well (They sure would!)
Apparently in an effort to show that there were no hard feelings, and probably to leave the door open for future projects, WB commissioned Dean Cain to rewrite the lyrics of the "Pinky and the Brain" theme song:

They're Lois and the Brain,
Yes, Lois and the Brain.
He is a genius that's replacing Dean Cain.
He's her laboratory mouse,
'Cause she's lost her spouse.
They'll show us
They're Lois
And the Brain
Brain, Brain,
Brain, Brain,
Brain, Brain,
Brain, Brain.

While Lois sheds a tear,
His plan will be unfurled.
Superman's gone. We fear
Brain will rule the world.

They're Lois and the Brain,
Yes, Lois and the Brain.
His twilight campaign
Confuses Lois Lane.
Because she is so sad,
She can't tell Brain is bad.
They'll show us
They're Lois and the Brain
Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain
Brain, Brain, Brain, **Oh Clark**.

An ABC executive who initialled the memo, hand wrote some other suggestions if this scenario didn't work out:
Lois and Stimpy
Lois and Ally
Lois and Costello
Lois and the Giant Peach
Lois and Hardy
Lois and The Holy Grail
Lois and the Temple of Doom
Lois and Roy
Lois and Rominastrain"
End of Imaginary Story.
Anyone else have some good ones???
- Goyo (If you haven't guessed, I'm a big Pinky and the Brain Fan. Check it out.)
Posted on America Online

[ABC Online on America Online is having a contest to win a script of "It's A Small World" signed by Teri Hatcher. We thought it would be fair to pass this along to you, even if it is on short notice. We would have gotten this out sooner, but a number of things prevented us from doing so. -- Craig]

What do a Metropolis High reunion, a whacked-out woman who's left her wallflower days behind and an incredible shrinking Superman have in common?

Easy. They all sprang forth from the mind of Teri Hatcher, who until now has been known mainly as the "Lois" in "Lois & Clark." On April 28, you'll see Teri's name in two new places in the opening credits for "L&C." Teri both conceived the story for and co-wrote the script (with Pat Hazel) for the inventive "It's a Small World After All," her first behind-the-scenes effort on behalf of ABC's super series. As an added bonus, NFL superhero Steve Young, quarterback for Teri's hometown favorite San Francisco 49ers, will guest star in the episode as Lois' former high school flame.

In anticipation of the debut of "It's a Small World After All" on April 28, ABC Online invites you to send questions to Teri about her first-time screenwriting experience, "It's a Small World After All," or anything else that peaks your interest. Teri's answers to the eight most creative and interesting questions will be posted here during the week of April 22.

And now for the SUPER payoff: If your question is answered by Teri, you will receive a copy of the production draft of "It's a Small World After All," autographed by Teri herself.

To send your questions to Teri, please send AOL e-mail to the screenname "ABC Press." In the subject field, type "Question for Teri." Only ONE question per AOL user will be accepted. Your questions will be disqualified from consideration if you e-mail more than one.

**All questions must be received by 9:00 p.m., ET/6:00 p.m., PT on SUNDAY, APRIL 14.** [that's TONIGHT!!]

Please note that e-mail from non-AOL internet addresses will not be accepted.
The issue of "US" Magazine hitting the newsstands in the US on Monday, April 15 features a feature story on Teri Hatcher.
Dean Cain's December 1995 appearance on "The Late, Late Show with Tom Snyder" will be rebroadcast on Friday, April 19. Dean discusses "Virtually Destroyed" during the interview, among other things.
Another reminder... Teri Hatcher will be hosting "Saturday Night Live" on the night of Saturday, April 20! Don't miss it!
Teri will be appearing on ABC's "Good Morning America" on Friday, April 26, two days before her episode, "It's A Small World," airs. Please note that the "TV Guide" listing which states that Teri will be on "GMA" on April 17 is incorrect.
TV Guide" has slated a feature story on Teri Hatcher for one of it's May issues. Not to miss out on a great photo opportunity, "Entertainment Tonight" went behind-the-scenes at Teri's "TV Guide" photo shoot Tuesday and could air a story as early as Wednesday (April 10). Check your local listings for "Entertainment Tonight" station and airtime information, and if you don't see the piece on Wednesday, keep your eye out for it later in the week.
TODAY'S "L&C" TOP TEN LIST! By Will33880
Here they are, Superman's top ten least favorite colors of Kryptonite....

#10. Orange: Causes a drastic increase in X-Ray vision; well, maybe that's not too bad.
#9. Blue: Causes him to lose all sense of direction; tries to fly to downtown Metropolis, ends up in Kazakhstan.
#8. Purple: Causes loss in all color cordination; ends up wearing pink tights.
#7. Yellow: Causes a drunken effect; sure doesn't impress Lois!
#6. Teal: Causes his brain to pick up TV signals; Sees 24 hours of Happy Days reruns.
#5. Red: Causes loss in willpower; While the Cheif gets kidnapped, he hits on a blonde.
#4. Green: Disables his Superpowers; duh!
#3. Navy: Causes advance in age; needs a walker to get to the Planet, no more flying.
#2. White: Causes blindness; tries to kiss Lois, "Ooops, sorry Jimmy!"

And here it is, Superman's least favorite color of Kryptonite....
Black: Causes dimensional switches; ends up in a
dimension where Tempus is the ruler of the world!

Okay everybody, send us some more top ten lists!
Here's the Krypton Club profile for today... =^)

REAL NAME: Molly Pillsbury
BIRTHDAY: 10/3/82
RESIDENCE: San Francisco Bay Area
OCCUPATION: 8th grader
....QUOTE: "Are you guys a thing? You look like a thing, not a very happy thing, but a thing. Oh look, Hunkie, she's blushing!" -- Mindy Church
....EPISODE: "We Have A Lot To Talk About"
....SCENE: Proposal scene
....HOBBIES: Fencing, Swimming
....MOVIES: "Clueless," "Singing in the Rain"
....TV SHOWS: "The X-Files"
....MUSIC/MUSICIANS: Corduroy, Tower of Power
....BOOKS: "The Giver" by Lois Lowry
GOALS IN LIFE (LIMIT 3): To fly, to ride on the back of a giant turtle and to travel
around the world by ship

Please e-mail your profiles to Karin Tessin. If there's anything else you'd like people to know that you'd like to share with over 1700 other FOLCs, be sure to include that separately! Please return the profiles in this same format, and remember to keep the profiles within the set limits (i.e. limiting to 2 when it says "limit 2")... thanks!
By Matt Combes

Alrighty, there's just going to be a few changes in the comic corner......I will not, from now on, be giving an entire review of the comic book. I'm not here to give away everything that happens in the comic book.....that's what the comic book is for!!! I'm trying to encourage those of you who don't yet collect the Superman comics to start, and if I tell you everything that happens, there's no reason to pick it up. I'm going to try to make it as intriguing as possible, but I'm only going to give a short overview(very short compared to the other reviews) of what happens, and then give my opinions. If you want to find out exactly what happens(especially if I give it a high mark!), try picking it up at your local comic store! Also, after the review of each issue, I'll give a highlight of other good non-Superman comics that came out the same week as that issue that are good reads. So now, on with the next installment of Matt Combes' Comics Corner! Today's a double-dose of Superman mania, as I take on the last two Superman issues.
By Dan Jurgens, Ron Frenz, & Joe Rubinstein
$1.95 US, $2.75 Canada

OVERVIEW: Superman stops a breakout attempt at Stryker's Island, but Morgan Edge escapes. Clark and Lois take a trip to Mt. Fuji to try to talk about things, and Superman helps America complete the first manned mission to Mars.

REVIEW: I've only been reading since the death, so I can't possibly remember the first time Lois and Clark took a trip to Mt. Fuji after they got engaged to talk, but I still think it was a nice, secluded spot to talk. Of course, not much was accomplished in the talk except more breakup-type-stuff, and it was really quite saddening. I mean, if you think I really felt for Clark during the whole clone-amnesia storyline, which I did, I feel for Clark in the comics twice as much. The woman he loves is breaking up with him, and he really can't understand why. He wants to be with Lois more than anything in the world, and now it's hard for them to even be friends. It's really sad. I guess being with a guy, I'm siding more with Clark through this storyline than Lois, but I can still understand a bit of Lois's apprehension towards being with Clark and him running off all the time (at least Clark in the comics never used "Cheese of the Month" as an excuse.<g>). Let's just hope this is all resolved soon...the storyline's much better than clones and amnesia, but, like those, you can only take so much.

I particularly enjoyed the Mars mission segment, with the first person from Earth landing on Mars. The double-meaning dialogue that carried from it into the shot of Superman flying one way and Lois another, similar to the ending of Action #720, was nicely written.

There wasn't too much wrong with this issue, but it could have been a little stronger than it was. I can't say how overjoyed I am at the new format they're using in the lettercols, not only in the Superman comics, but in all of DC's books as well. The bland white was getting a little dull 'n drab. And of course, I was glad to see that I had my letter printed in the first Superman ish to have this new format. That's baldy numero tres, and only one more to tie the record, two to beat it.....maybe I should have put that down for one of my goals in life in my profile. =) This issue was enjoyable, and it earns a 4.0 shields out of 5 from me.

COMIC PICKS OF THE WEEK: Green Lantern #74, Starman (latest issue, can't remember the #)
By Karl Kesel, Stuart Immonen, and Jose Marzan
$1.95 US, $2.75 Canada
US - $1.95 Canada - $2.75

OVERVIEW: Lex Luthor and the Contessa are now engaged to be wed, Jimmy's date breaks it off with him, Clark has a chat with Martha and Jonathan in Smallville during the rebuilding of their new house (which was destroyed during the "Death of Clark Kent" storyline), Alpha Centurion has to stop a pack of rogue Centurions who attack a banquet celebrating the manned mission to Mars, and a twister appears in Smallville.

REVIEW: Interesting. A couple months ago, I heard there was going to be a wedding coming up in Man of Tomorrow #5. I hoped that maybe us comic fans would finally be getting our dues and Lois and Clark would get married. Then I heard that a certain "L" and "C" *would* be getting married then. I was overjoyed.....but then I heard that this certain "L" and "C" was going to be "Lex" and "Contessa." And here it is, coming to the climactic marriage of Lex and the Contessa, with their engagment in this issue.

Lex is back to his crafty ways, of course, when he has his old Team Luthor members killed in their suits and uses the armor to try and kill people, which is nice to see (well, Lex being back to his evil ways, that is, not dead people...).

But the best thing of this whole issue is the heart-to-heart between Clark and his parents in Smallville. It's like Clark to try to push himself away from everything that has happened to him so far by doing something else, in this case, helping build the Kents' new home. Lois and Lori's chat got me a little angry, especially at how Lois is acting. I said for the last issue that I was more on Clark's side than Lois's in this breakup. Now I'm *totally* on Clark's side. It really bugs me that Lois is being so annoying and doing things that she knows hurts Clark. She's not even planning on being *friends* with him unless he admits that that's all they'll ever be. You just can't make someone do something, and you can't say that something's definite, because things never are. I think that Lois is more confused and afraid of being with Clark than she is sure that she wants to do this. Of course we all know this will all be resolved sometime in the near future, but right now I'm wanting it to end's not that it's been drug out too long (such as the clone-amnesia storyline), it's just that things have become so unnatural and unreal.

But besides the fact that I want this storyline to end, and soon, this issue was very good, an average at worst. I give it 3.5 shields out of 5.

COMIC PICKS OF THE WEEK: Impulse #14, Steel #27

[Unfortunately the copy we had of issue #106 ends here, so that's all you'll be able to find here in the Archives for now--Craig]

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