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VOLUME 2, ISSUE #8 * MAY 9, 1999
Angels on the Basketball Court

Some Quick News....
Sue Kaimann passed along some good news for fans of Dean Cain and writer Tim Minear...

First off, the Dean news. Here's what Sue had to say:

"The Joe Torry "Giving Back The Love" Foundation will sponsor it's second annual celebrity basketball game in St. Louis, Missouri on July 10, 1999. Last year Dean Cain played in the game, and those who saw him were not disappointed!

"Dean has been verbally confirmed to attend this year's game. If you would like to check out the web site to learn more about the event, and keep up-to-date on Dean's availability, visit

"A lot of other celebrities - sport, TV and movie stars - attended last year. Some of them are sure to return this year, along with a host of others. Keep in mind that even though a star confirms their appearance, sometimes their business schedule prevents them from attending at the last minute."

So, in other words, even though he's said he's coming, he could still cancel, but if he does go, it could be a great opportunity for some fans to see Dean in person!

Next up, we've also been told that L&C writer/producer Tim Minear ("Brutal Youth," "AKA Superman") will be writing and producing for the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" spin-off series "Angel" for the WB Network. WB has bought thirteen episodes, and they hope to get it on the Fall schedule (and since WB has bought such fare as "Hyperion Bay," I think "Angel" is a shoo-in for definite placement -- Craig)

Editor/Krypton Club President: Craig Byrne
Special Thanks To: Sue Kaimann

KRYPTON CLUB FLASHES, Volume 2, Issue 8, May 9, 1999. Published whenever there is late-breaking "Lois & Clark" news. Copyright (c) 1999 The Lois & Clark Krypton Club. All rights reserved. Any material within is property of the Krypton Club and/or respective individuals unless otherwise noted as coming from elsewhere. Any opinions within belong solely to the individuals who express them. Copying or any unauthorized publication of material from this newsletter without permission is illegal.