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Recent KryptonSite Interviews

She's The Sheriff: Camille Mitchell
KryptonSite talks to the future of Smallville law enforcement...

Smallville's Prime "Suspect": Mark Verheiden
The fan-favorite writer talks about the January 28 episode...

Smallville's Dr. Bryce: Emmanuelle Vaugier
Lex Luthor's new sparring partner talks about her new recurring role and also about her career.

Jeph Loeb - "Insurgence"
Smallville consulting producer and comic book favorite Jeph Loeb talks about the recent episode...

Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld - "Flight"
The husband and wife duo who wrote "Jitters" talk about their novels for the Smallville young adult series...

Are you involved with Smallville and would like to be interviewed at KryptonSite? We'd love to talk to you. E-mail us!

Upcoming Episode Schedule
Smallville - Tuesdays at 9PM on the WB

April 1 "Suspect"
Who shot Lionel Luthor? Was it Dominic, the lackey? Jonathan Kent? Or was it Colonel Mustard? Click here for an image gallery!

April 8 "Insurgence"
One of the best episodes of Season Two which was unfortunately missed because a lot of people were watching American Idol. Now, you have no excuse!
Click here for an image gallery!

April 15 "Visitor"
Could there be another Kryptonian in Smallville? Come, son of Jor-El, kneel before Cyrus.
Click here for an image gallery!

Spoilers for new episodes can be found by clicking here. Repeats for these episodes air on the following Sunday.



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Smallville and its characters are copyright ©2003 Warner Bros. & DC Comics. This is a fan site and not authorized by the WB or DC. Page copyright ©2003 KryptonSite, unless the material is noted as coming from someplace else or being by an individual author. Smallville stars Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, John Glover, John Schneider, Annette O'Toole, Sam Jones III, and Allison Mack. Special thanks to Chloe Sullivan with assist from SullivanLane for making this page.


News Posted March 31, 2003

Not That It Would Interest *Me* In Any Way, But...
Tom Welling (aka Clark Kent, whom I have never had a crush on) will be hitting the covers of Canadian editions of TV Guide yet again.

Here's a look at the Apr. 5-11 issue, from TV Guide Canada's website. Enjoy!

Visit The WB For Further Spoilage
The WB wants you to watch"Visitor," the new episode of Smallville airing April 15. I say boycott the show until they give me something better to do than follow Lana around. Click here to read it anyway!

SV Down Under, Mate
Special thanks to: Stephanie

Australian fans will be happy to know that you can see Chloe Sullivan lose her boyfriend and her spine very soon. Oh and some stuff with Clark, Lex and Lana, too.

Season 2 begins on Saturday, April 5, at 7:30 PM. Don't miss it!

OK, I Guess I Can Let You Into My Secret Stash
This isn't the Wall of Weird -- it's the Wall of Welling. I bet Lana
would give up her My Little Pony to peruse through these! Here's the
Tom Welling gallery -- part of ChloeSite's Smallville cast pages!

Maybe He Gets Some Lines, Too!
Sam Jones III
(Pete) takes his yellow sweaters and chipper self over
to ABC to grace "The Practice" with his presence. Come back soon,
Pete! Who else will tell Clark how I feel about him?

Sam plays a character named Troy on the March 31, 2003 episode, in a
role that he says will be different than what we're used to from

Oh yeah, and Pete waxes poetic about me in his interview at
BlackVoices.com. What a guy. But if you don't want spoilers, don't
bother clicking.

News Posted March 29, 2003

"Witness" Something Other Than Clark Moping About Nothing
Following the release of three images from "Visitor" released yesterday, ChloeSite is now happy to present to you six photos from the April 29 episode of Smallville, which is titled "Witness."

Doesn't one of these guys seem vaguely familiar? Zachery Ty Bryan (Home Improvement) in the episode, and they also feature that partnership that was hinted at earlier this week on the spoilers page. Check out the image gallery!

News Posted March 28, 2003

"Visitor" Images!
Three non-spoilery images have been released from the next new episode of Smallville, which is titled "Visitor."

"Visitor" airs April 15. Check out the image gallery!

News Posted March 27, 2003

At Least My Alter Ego Gets Some Play
Special thanks to: SullivanLane

The April 2003 issue of SFX magazine features a profile of Allison Mack (Chloe). It also reveals that Allison is now engaged to her long-time boyfriend, Peter! The article tells what Allison thought of kissing Tom in ""Rush" [it was minty fresh, even though I supposedly
forgot -- Chloe] and reveals more about what Chloe thinks of Lex
Luthor [yummy and bald -- Chloe], and she says that Pete would be
"too small town" for Chloe [yeah, because Clark Kent just screams
"big city" -- Chloe].

We here at ChloeSite would very much like to congratulate Allison and
Peter on their engagement. Let's hope some of that romantic magic
rubs off on Chloe, too! Look for the latest SFX at newsstands everywhere.

News Posted March 26, 2003

Oh Look! An Article That Has Nothing To Do With Chloe!
BlackVoices.com's interview with Sam Jones III also revealed something interesting about which character may be having some interaction with Lionel Luthor soon... (and no, it's not Pete...)

Check out the Spoilers page for more! Look for the yellow text under "More Spoilers."

News Posted March 24, 2003

Smallville Officially Picked Up For Season 3
Special thanks to: Variety

Today's edition of Variety reveals that Smallville has officially been picked up for a third season.

Charmed, 7th Heaven, Reba, Gilmore Girls, and Everwood were also picked up for the 2003-2004 season. (Forget these WB shows, I want
X-Files back!)

Stay away from my Wall of Weird, Ms. Sheriff!
Special thanks to: Matt, Eric, & Camille Mitchell

There's a new sheriff coming to town, and she will be played by an actress named Camille Mitchell. For more on Ms. Mitchell, and her character, look no further than KryptonSite's Camille Mitchell interview! Be warned, some minor spoilers may be within.