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An Untold Tale: Steven DeKnight Discusses Smallville’s Justice League Spinoff

In previously-unpublished interview material, Steven DeKnight discusses a Smallville Justice League spinoff that never happened.



Recently on Twitter, writer-producer Steven DeKnight (Marvel’s Daredevil, Spartacus) made a reference to a Justice League spinoff from Smallville that almost happened a decade ago. The series would have been led by Justin Hartley as Green Arrow/Oliver Queen — five years before Stephen Amell took on the hood — and characters including Bart Allen, Cyborg, and Aquaman, all from the Smallville episode “Justice” which DeKnight wrote and directed, were to be a part of it.

Smallville Justice“Justice” was one of the highest-rated episodes of Smallville and was also one of the highest-rated TV episodes in The CW’s ten-year history.

Nine years ago, in doing interviews for the Smallville: The Official Companion book for Season 6, this writer spoke with DeKnight about the “Justice” episode, and while the book itself has a lot of quotes related to what we saw on the screen, a lot of the talk about the Justice League spinoff was excised. As those quotes were not published, we are sharing them here for the first time.

“There were a couple of different plans that never quite came to fruition,” DeKnight revealed during the interview for the book. “At one point we were planning a spin-off; we were starting to put it together.”

“It was going to be basically Green Arrow, Cyborg, Flash, a couple of other DC characters living in Metropolis,” DeKnight recalled. “The idea was that Oliver Queen was basically giving refuge to young people with superpowers, kind of in a Professor X kind of way, putting together this team and also trying to help out these people, like he says in ‘Justice’ about how he helped out Victor Stone and Bart and Arthur Curry.”

manyfacesjla2The Justice League spinoff would have been teed up in Smallville’s Season 6 finale. “The idea with that was that Green Arrow was going to appear towards the end and help Clark with his final battle, provide him with an important piece of information. As it was in the season, we actually find out that Green Arrow and his crew of superheroes have been attacking the 33.1 installations. In ‘Prototype’ they provide the information on how to penetrate the prototype’s forcefield. But originally he was going to come back and help out, and that was going to springboard the spin-off that, ultimately, just never happened,” he said.

Sadly, it was not meant to be. “I was supposed to co-create it and run it, so I’m doubly sad. We were all really excited about it, you know, me and the other actors. We all got along great. We really wanted to make this show, and we thought it would be really, really cool,” DeKnight lamented.

sv6companionWhat might we have seen in a Justice League spinoff? We don’t know, but one plan might have included Brainiac — even possibly in a different form, played by a different actor if James Marsters had been busy. “We had talked about bringing Brainiac back, quite possibly in a different form, played by a different actor. We’d kicked around some ideas for bringing him back as somebody else from the Buffyverse, which would’ve been a fun nod. We talked about bringing him back as a woman. And I wouldn’t be surprised at some point between now and the time the show wraps up that Brainiac pops back up,” he said, predicting something that ultimately did not happen. DeKnight revealed that he did have a master plan for Brainiac in the spinoff. “I had a master plan for Brainiac showing up in the spin-off that I won’t tell you what it is, because you never know, a spin-off may happen in the future, and I will use this. But it was awesome,” he said.

Smallville: The Official Companion Season 6 is still available on – order a copy and show the publisher there’s still demand, because this writer would still enjoy finishing the series someday, and there are more stories like this one within! And if you’d like more Smallville Untold Tales, please let us know!



  1. Lu Reindeer

    September 1, 2016 at 6:30 am

    Hell yes I like Smallville I always did, I’ve seen the entire show twice and all do it again and again I never get tired of watching it. I guess is because I grew up with the show best show ever.

  2. Forry

    September 7, 2016 at 1:42 pm

    I hadn’t really watched Smallville until this past month. As a fan of Amell’s Arrow I actually started watching Smallville from Green Arrow’s first appearance to see if I dug it. I was almost instantly reminded of why Superman was my favorite hero. I loved the characters, it would have been great to see a Justice League show, but I don’t if it was exactly the right time. I do wish though that the current DCETVU hadn’t forsaken those 10 years of world building to basically use the same formulas and heroes without any of the familiar faces. I understand Hartley & Amell would have created continuity issues, but I would have gotten over it to finally see my era’s Clark Kent in full Superman regalia even once.

    • Forry

      September 7, 2016 at 1:43 pm

      Oh yeah, BTW, now I’m starting smallville from the beginning so it’s like I’m getting a backstory to the backstory. cool way to enjoy the show.

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Smallville Animated Update: It May Be A While…

On TalkVille, the reality of the current status of the Smallville animated project was discussed.



On a recent episode of Michael Rosenbaum and Tom Welling’s TalkVille podcast, they had the show’s creator Al Gough as a call-in guest, and among the topics discussed was the Smallville animated project that they’ve been trying to get off the ground. Unfortunately, Gough brought up the reality that especially with regime changes at the studio, it may be a while.

“Regime change” refers to changes in leadership at the studio or network. As an example, the regime changed massively when Smallville moved from The WB (who had executives that loved them) to The CW (where Dawn Ostroff was more interested in “pretty rich white girls with problems” shows and kept trying to kill Smallville).

“The problem with most projects in development in any studio and any network is regime change, and Warners has obviously gone through a lot, and I think the fact that they’re in the process of rebooting Superman again, unfortunately, I think, keeps our thing off the table for a bit,” Gough said in discussion with the actors. He pointed out that everything comes around in one form or another, pointing to Hulu’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer revival as such a thing.

So, don’t give up hope… but for now, it seems it’s not happening anytime soon, if at all.

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John Schneider Added To Salute to Smallville 2025 in Chicago!

John Schneider has been added to the 2025 Salute to Smallville convention in Chicago from Creation Entertainment.



John Schneider is the latest actor to be added to the guest list for Creation Entertainment’s second “Salute To Smallville” convention, happening September 13-14 in Chicago. Schneider portrayed Clark’s human father Jonathan Kent from Seasons 1-5 and returned for several episodes in the show’s final season.

Schneider will be joining Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum, Kristin Kreuk, Erica Durance, John Glover, Aaron Ashmore, Adrianne Palicki, and Alaina Huffman at this year’s event! Last year’s convention was a fantastic experience and it’s well worth checking out! You can read more about Salute to Smallville and purchase tickets here.

DISCLAIMER: KryptonSite’s Craig Byrne has created web graphics and websites for Creation Entertainment in addition to hosting their 2024 Salute to Smallville event.

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Annette O’Toole’s Big Smallville Regret

Annette O’Toole discusses her biggest regret from her time on Smallville.



Smallville’s Annette O’Toole recently spoke with Salon magazine about her biggest regret from her time on the show. It’s a topic she has discussed on the TalkVille podcast, and it is something she talked about in KryptonSite’s interview to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the series premiere.

Basically, it was the notion that she never was able to share scenes with Christopher Reeve. While the plan originally was for a scene between them in the Season 4 premiere “Crusade,” in the two appearances that Reeve did make on Smallville failed to reunite O’Toole with Reeve, which is a shame, as Annette played Lana Lang to Christopher Reeve’s Clark Kent in the film Superman III.

“I never understood it,” she said. “I should have picked up the phone and called the producers and said what are you thinking? You’ve got the prior Lana Lang and Superman. Why aren’t you putting them in a scene together? It kind of broke my heart. It was kind of like ‘if they don’t see, I’m not gonna tell ’em! They don’t understand!’ So who’s regretting it? Not them. I knew it would be the last time I’d ever get to see Chris, so, yeah, I’m very sad about that.”

You can watch the clip below.


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